Italy 24 Press News

Stefano Chillemi and Volley Modica still together, the blue and white captain reconfirmed

Stefano Chillemi will once again be the captain of Avimecc Volley Modica in the next Serie A3 season. The management of the white and blue club has decided to reconfirm the captain, a true son of the city of Modica, for the sixth consecutive season.

The managers of Volley Modica underlined the importance of maintaining a strong link with territoriality and “Modicanity”. “We are very keen that the imprint of Modica and territoriality always remains in Avimecc Volley Modica,” they declared. Stefano Chillemi fully represents these values, having grown up playing volleyball within the club. His reconfirmation reflects the club’s desire to maintain a certain continuity in the roster, avoiding upheavals and enhancing the “hard core” of the team.

Chillemi proved to be a key element not only for his technical skills, but also for his seriousness and attachment to the shirt. “Stefano has always shown us his attachment to the shirt and undisputed professional skills, seriousness both in training and in matches,” stated the managers. His reconfirmation was therefore almost automatic.

“I am very happy to be part of this team again,” commented Stefano Chillemi. “What will begin in a few weeks will be my sixth season in Serie A3 with this shirt that I now feel sewn to my skin and my fourth as captain.” Chillemi has expressed his desire to improve on last season’s results, aiming to cross the finish line of the play-offs. He also underlined the importance of the reconfirmation of coach Enzo Distefano, praising his commitment from both a technical-tactical and human point of view.

“As a Modican, it will be an honor for me to be the captain for the fourth consecutive year and represent the City of Modica in an important championship like the A3 Series,” added Chillemi. Being the only local athlete, he feels a special bond with his city and a great pride in representing it.

Chillemi concluded his speech with a message to the fans: “I take this opportunity to greet all our fans, I wish them a good summer and I wait for them excited as always at PalaRizza.”

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