Italy 24 Press News

Baldini: the League brings Susanna Ceccardi back to Europe and contributes to Follonica’s historic victory

Grosseto: “The League is there – he states Massimiliano Baldini, provincial commissioner of the Carroccio – and in Grosseto he obtained an excellent result at the European Championships. We reached 7.23% while the overall figure for Tuscany stands at 6.21%. We have slightly surpassed our friends from Forza Italia and Noi Moderati and we reconfirm a pillar like Susanna Ceccardi who, barring unlikely last-minute surprises, will continue to defend Tuscany and the Tuscans from the follies of the European left.”

“But I want to highlight – continues Baldini – the great success of Follonica, where the united centre-right achieved the historic result of conquering one of the main strongholds of the left. I would also like to applaud Francesca Travison’s extraordinary statement to Scarlino. Francesca, despite having been the subject of unjustified attacks and instrumental divisions, was able to find the numbers to be reconfirmed, despite the split in the center right which I hope will never happen again. The center right must be united and it is clear to anyone that it now represents the majority of the entire country, from North to South. What a shame for our candidate for Giglio, Walter Rossi. He is a serious and capable person, he lost by 5 votes. Maybe someone will have to ask themselves some questions…”

Baldini concludes by highlighting that the abandonment of some Northern League militants has in no way affected the voters’ trust in the party and its political lines: “When I arrived, after having put forward balanced proposals that were incomprehensibly rejected, I had to make choices in defense of the congressional line of party, choices that have identified Arturo Bartoletti as a point of reference for all those who firmly believe in the League and recognize themselves in Matteo Salvini’s policies. The voters certainly understood our positions and helped us renew Susanna’s mandate, rewarding her commitment, experience and dedication. I believe that consistency with our ideals has paid off. Now the road is still long, we must bring the League back to much larger numbers, leveraging the skills, honesty and commitment of our militants and the many members and supporters who recognize themselves in our ideals.”

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