Italy 24 Press News

Elderly people “stormed” by scam messages and calls, the report of a woman from Legnano

In the space of a few days, a 90-year-old from Legnano was contacted twice by scammers. Both attempts failedbut the discomfort of finding oneself targeted by unscrupulous criminals remains. First the classic fake accident call during which the scammer tried to deceive the victim introducing himself as the son involved in an accident. And he asked for money to get out of alleged difficulties. She request that she was returned to sender. A few days later a text message (see photo on page) with a “family” tone where also in this case the alleged son reports discomfort and asks for help. Sneaky methods, those implemented by scammers intent on deceiving victims.

The one reported by the reader is not an isolated case, in fact there are several episodes recorded in the area also concerning the classic door-to-door scam of fake technicians ready to enter your home and raid money and gold. Unfortunately, sometimes these attempts have been successful.

It remains important to avoid answering unknown telephone numbers, not to panic and always be wary of strangers. No one asks for money to “solve” a car accident case. If your phone breaks, you will not lose your WhatsApp contact which always remains connected to your mobile number and to the device. As a general rule, be wary of anyone who asks you to make wire transfers. It is always recommended to pay close attention to the links indicated in the messages and to open them only after having verified the veracity of the source of origin. NEVER enter your personal details, especially banking details.

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