Italy 24 Press News

Antonella Sberna: “We really brought Tuscia to Europe…”

Viterbo – The MEP just elected on the FdI lists: “A result that I dedicate in particular to my father Maurizio who has always been by my side” – And she announces: “I will leave my role as city councilor” – In her place, at Palazzo dei Priori , Gianluca Grancini

by Daniele Camilli

Viterbo – “We really brought Tuscia to Europe”. Antonella Sberna is an MEP. The first in Tuscia. A historic achievement. A lot of votes. More than 17 thousand in the province and almost 50 thousand across the entire college. “A result – says Sberna – which goes to all the citizens who believed in our political project and in particular to my father Maurizio who has always been by my side”.

Sberna will then leave the municipal council of Palazzo dei Priori. In his place, Gianluca Grancini. “Expanding the team – underlines Sberna – and being able to always work at our best and at the service of the citizens is decisive for the party and for the territory”.

Viterbo – Antonella Sberna at the electoral committee for the European elections

Did you expect a result of this size?
“We expected to have a large electoral response, but not of this size. An unexpected historic result, gathering the support of many people who believed in our political project far beyond our own electorate. Not only that, Tuscia expressed the highest percentage of votes for FdI in Italy. An absolute record for a province. And for us this is an honor because it means that we are working well by responding to the needs of the territory and the needs of citizens. All this is the consequence of an important activity that the party is carrying out at all institutional levels. A recognition of the government’s work and of all the realities we are administering. We really brought Tuscia to Europe.”

Can Tuscia be considered the stronghold of the Brothers of Italy?
“It is an honor for all of us to represent so many people. It’s a fact we can only be proud of.”

What did you do the day after the victory?
“Something I will never forget. Hugging my daughters in the morning who, at the suggestion of my mother Luigina, would wake me up by saying ‘Bonjour’, a bit like how we greet each other in Brussels. To seal, in the most beautiful way, the result of the day before.”

How do you build a result like the one obtained last Sunday?
“We built it in the meantime by obtaining an important candidacy for our territory. In this regard, I take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mauro Rotelli not only for having strongly wanted our province to be able to express a candidate for the European Parliament but also for having supported this electoral campaign with ideas and contents, for having introduced topics after topics and for having involved representatives of the Italian Government and Parliament on our territory. At the time of my candidacy, I already thanked the provincial coordination of Fratelli d’Italia for having unanimously chosen me to represent the entire party.

From here, we continued to work both on Tuscia and in the rest of the college, without ever distorting our way of being and of placing ourselves in front of the issues and problems that citizens and administrators presented to us. Our presence in the area is not only highlighted during the electoral campaign but is the result of a constant and strong commitment at every institutional level. The result obtained is certainly a team success, certainly of the many administrators and party leaders who believed in this political project but also of the many citizens, over 17 thousand in the province of Viterbo alone and over 48 thousand in the entire constituency, who have believed in this political project and who wanted to give us their trust. For me it is a source of great satisfaction and motivation to work more and more for the national interests and those of the territory we represent”.

Viterbo – The initiative in support of Antonella Sberna in Piazza del Gesù

How will your life change from now on?
“As regards my political life, my territorial commitment remains within the party’s leadership group between Brussels and the territory, constantly working on the connection between citizens and the European Union. From a family point of view, we will certainly have to reorganize our lives a little, always starting from the harmony and serenity of mind that has always characterized our family”.

Antonella Sberna MEP and Daniele Sabatini regional councilor. How are you experiencing this situation where you and your husband hold very high level institutional positions?
“We live it within a healthy and united party that is truly working at all institutional levels for the good of the people. I think that in our province we are lucky to be able to have so many representatives in the institutions and each of us has already had the opportunity to engage in administrative activity at a local level. I believe that opportunities, at all levels, also entail great responsibilities and at the same time sacrifices. But what matters is putting ourselves at the service of communities and territories.”

A party, FdI, which in the area adds an extra piece to the supply chain that was created in less than two years. Mauro Rotelli in parliament, Daniele Sabatini and Giulio Zelli in the region and now you in Europe.
“For us it was essential to close the institutional supply chain. In this way a territory can have a response at all levels. The objective of politics is also this, to be of service on all fronts. Europe affects everyday life and our task is to provide answers and solutions to our local administrators and their communities from an institutional, social, employment, cultural and, in particular, productive activities point of view in compliance with our territorial vocations”.

A supply chain where the municipality of Viterbo is still missing…
“Yes, but as you can see we are working very seriously on that front too with a concrete opposition. And we will show up at the appointments that will take place, offering citizens a possibility of choice.”

European elections – Antonella Sberna at the polls

Will you leave your post as city councilor in Viterbo?
“Yes, I will leave my position as city councilor. Expanding the team and being able to always work at our best and at the service of the citizens is decisive for the party and for the territory”.

What will be your first act as an MEP?
“I will arrive at the European Parliament and I will immediately team up with all my elected colleagues to carry forward Giorgia Meloni’s great political project which is changing Italy and which can now change Europe too, at a community level. The first thing to do, therefore, is to sit down and build political action at an international level with the entire delegation of the ECR, the European Conservative group, to which Fratelli d’Italia adheres”.

What will be the first instances of the Tuscia territory that you will bring to Europe?
“The objective we set ourselves in this first phase is to be able to work in parliamentary commissions linked to the major issues so dear to our territory”.

To whom do you dedicate this result?
“I dedicate it to all the citizens who believed in our political project and to one in particular, my father Maurizio, Dr. Sberna, who has always been by my side. From the beginning and without ever ceasing to accompany all my choices, even now that he is no longer here. It is to him that I feel like dedicating this result and this very significant moment in my life.”

Daniele Camilli

– FdI at 42.55%, Antonella Sberna 17,292 preferences in Tuscia

June 12, 2024

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