Italy 24 Press News

“Unequivocal result, our opposition to this system of power will continue” –

The people of Pietra have expressed an unequivocal result, which outlines the future of the city in an opposite and very different way from what we had proposed to them. It is a result which the fair rules of democracy require us to take note of and to which we ‘bow down’. We will have to do ‘opposition’ again. And we will do it! Out of respect for the ideals and objectives that our program contained and, above all, out of respect for those 1182 voters who in that program of ‘turning point’ and ‘change’, for a city more attentive to its development and to the good of the citizen, have believed, giving us support and trust“.

It is with these words that Mario Carrara, on behalf of the “Independent List for Pietra”, comments on the result of the elections in Pietra Ligure which ended with the victory of the “Pietra. Always!” list. of the re-elected mayor Luigi De Vincenzi. There were 3,094 preferences (72.36%) for the outgoing mayor’s list against the 1,182 votes (equal to 27.64%) collected by that of Carrara.

We campaigned clearly, clearly and openly – Carrara continues – Documenting all the things we supported with public or legal deeds and documents. Whoever spoke of ‘insults, inferences or slander’ (which have never existed) did so and continues to do so solely to belittle and debase the content of the things we said, however without ever denying or refuting them on the merits with real arguments . Our opposition to this system of power: there has been, there is and there will be. We will continue to be the ‘tribunes’ that every citizen can turn to and on whom they can always count“.

Occupying the minority benches, in addition to Carrara, will be Silvia Rozzi, president of the Pietra territorial circle of Fratelli d’Italia who collected 213 preferences, Daniele Negro (120 votes for the former mayor of Pietra Ligure from ’93 to ‘ 97) and Gianni Orsero: the most advanced candidate in the entire Pietra electoral round with his 80 springs enters the City Council with 55 preferences.

It will be ‘opposition’, but, as we have always done, it will be ‘loyal’; in fact, we will never fail to support things that we believe are in the interest of our city, because, as was our main motto during the electoral campaign, we will not be influenced by anything other than self-interest of Pietra Ligure” concludes Carrara.

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