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it’s a runoff but checks on the votes

A head to head between Francesco Matacena and the threshold of 50% plus one vote to become in the first round, without the need to resort to a run-off in two weeks, the new mayor of Aversa, the post-commissioned commissioner. Until late in the evening, in fact, the president of the Order of Accountants of Naples North did not exceed 50% by a very few points, settling at 49.60%, practically a hole of about three hundred votes, distancing the other competitors in a sidereal way. A result to be verified, as already asked, given that the quorun required to be elected mayor in the first round could be exceeded. Hope in this sense is represented by several dozen unassigned ballotscontested.

The centre-right candidate came in second place Antonio Farinaro which will therefore be, barring any surprises in the re-evaluation of preferences in three sections, Matacena’s competitor to the ballot The June 22nd and 23rd. Unless a further recount of the results reverses the situation again, decreeing victory in the first round. The centre-left candidate made a good statement Mauro Baldascino if we take into account that it was a candidacy that emerged in the Cesarini area after that of the Five Star Movement had failed Filippo Panza and, above all, of the former mayor Alfonso Goliath.


It was the various people who forced all those involved and their supporters into the wee hours of the morning seat presidents, many of whom were recruited on Saturday morning due to many renunciations. In the end, there were those who divided the ballots by list, those by candidate for mayor and those who did not follow any criteria. Consequentially, the results arrived lateespecially with regards to candidates for the town Council for which the individual definitive performances will only be made known on the day. However, there are several councilors who should be reappointed, even if some, like the former councillor Giovanni Innocentithey went from supporting to center-left with the former mayor Alfonso Golia to the candidate of a coalition ranging from Fi to the lists linked to regional councilors close to DeLucawhich supports Matacena. Lists that alone would have exceeded 50%. Therefore a possible victory of Farinarowould see him in the minority on the council.


At the headquarters in Matacena, in via San Nicola, at the beginning of the count there was a positive atmosphere, albeit with great caution. The first projections developed by the initial sample projected the president of the accountants of Naples North beyond 53%. Then, as the hours passed, the percentage decreased in favor of Baldascino. There was great disappointment when, around 11pm, it became clear that a run-off would be necessary for a handful of votes. A second round which, according to the accountant’s supporters, should have no history, but, in the past, it happened that a candidate with 49.6 in the first instance was overtaken in the run-off. Different climate in Farinaro’s headquarters, in via Diaz. At first there was skepticism about the possibility of a run-off. The parliamentarian also arrived around 8pm Giampiero Zinzi, personally linked to Farinaro. In the evening, the supporters of the former prime minister revived and were in suspense until it became clear that their candidate had managed to go to the ballot. Third position for the centre-left candidate Baldascinofinished behind Matacena And Farinaro as per prediction. Fourth position, with the concrete possibility of not even entering the council for Eugenia D’Angelo, which stopped below 4 percent. Matacena is supported by Noi Aversani, Imagine Aversa, Il Centro x Aversa, Aversa Italia, Forza Azzurra per Aversa, Aversa Moderata and Aversa Sapere. Antonio Farinaro is the head of a coalition with Fdi, Noi Moderati, Antonio Farinaro Mayor and Forza Aversa. Five lists support Mauro Baldascino: Pd, M5s, Aversa Progressista, La politica che servi and CdAvs. Finally, Eugenia D’Angelo is supported by the Il Basilisco movement.


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