Italy 24 Press News

Umbria is preparing for change, Ascani warns Tesei of eviction

Umbria is preparing for a change, Ascani notices eviction for Tesei

Umbria is experiencing a period of political transformation, as underlined by Anna Ascani, vice president of the Chamber of Deputies. According to Ascani, this change is an unmistakable signal that the right, led by Donatella Tesei, is losing ground.

In many Umbrian municipalities, the center-left is regaining power or strengthening its position. This is evident in municipalities such as San Giustino, Castiglione del Lago, Spello and Marsciano, where a young and competent mayor was elected after years of right-wing government. Other municipalities where the centre-left has achieved success include Magione, Montefalco, Lisciano Niccone, Montone, Gualdo Tadino, Pietralunga, Baschi, Piegaro and Montecchio.

Another positive sign for the center-left is the reconfirmation of Camilla Laureti as a European parliamentarian, thanks to the support of thousands of Umbrian citizens. Now, according to Ascani, it is essential to win the ballots in important municipalities, starting from Perugia, where Vittoria Ferdinandi revived a city that had been extinguished by ten years of terrible right-wing government. Other municipalities where important ballots will be held are Foligno, Orvieto and Bastia.

After years of misgovernment and impoverishment, Umbria is ready to change. The region is ready to choose an approach centered on work, healthcare and public schools, with particular attention to the weakest and the sense of community. The Democratic Party is at the center of this change and represents the fulcrum of a broad and winning coalition. These words of Ascani underline the importance of this historical moment for Umbria and its population.

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