Italy 24 Press News


They ended at MisanoAdriatic the international Filippini Dall’Acqua trophy competitions, who saw the athletes of the team competeTOAprutino Teramo amateur sports association.
Dtwo bronze medals For Franks Agnese And By Felice Marzia, and a silver one for Proceed Gabriella Noemsthe loot conqueredas well as excellent performances in general for all the athletes of theLTOprune.

L’TOAprutino Teramo sports association conttheThe positive trail of results continues after concluding the regional championships FISR of Solo Dance specialties with great results.

These are the winners of the regional championshipthe:

For the international rookie category By Egidio Irene

for the national rookie category, Fort Maria Vittoria

For the national student category, By Felice Marzia

For the division student category Victoria pigeons

For the national cadet category Novelli Ilenia

For the junior national category Gramenzi Syria.

Silver medals for female athletes:

for the national student category Peace Eleonora

for the national cadet category Franks TOgnese

for the national junior category Paponetti Gloria

for the division student category Ferrante Elisabetta

and also in third place:

for the national student category D’Antonio Veronica

for the division student category Roscioli Asia

for the division a category Giorgia Esposito.

All these athletes will represent the Teramana club at the FISR Italian championships scheduled for July in Piancavallo, Montebelluna and Wooden Bridge

There is also great anticipation for the next world championships in Rimini Where The Aprutino athlete

Amber Florimbi, together with Precion Skate Bologna, he will try to chase the gold medal he missed by a few tenths in the 2022 and 2023 seasons.

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