Italy 24 Press News

Waste tax, a series of benefits arrives for Montignoso families in difficulty

Good news for the citizens of Montignoso. The municipal administration has announced a series of concessions for the payment of the TARI (tax on domestic waste), aimed at families residing in the municipality who occupy a real estate unit as their main residence. This intervention aims to support families in economic difficulty and encourage participation in separate waste collection.

Discounts provided:

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  • Total exemption for families with ISEE less than or equal to €9,360.00.
  • 50% reduction for families with ISEE between €9,360.01 and €15,600.00.
  • 30% reduction for families with ISEE between €15,600.01 and €18,720.00.
  • Total exemption for families with a member with a serious handicap (art. 3 paragraph 3 of Law 104/92) or 100% disabled person, with ISEE between €9,360.01 and €15,600.00.
  • 50% reduction for families with a member who is severely disabled or 100% disabled, with ISEE between €15,600.01 and €18,720.00.

To access the benefits, it is necessary to submit a specific application by 5 July 2024. The application, accompanied by a copy of the valid ISEE certificate and an identity document, can be delivered to the Protocol Office at Villa Schiff – Giorgini , Via Fondaccio 11, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 13:00. Alternatively, it is possible to send the documentation via email to [email protected]. For further information, citizens can contact Dr. Nadia Bellè on 0585/8271201, every day from 9 to 12.

“The administration has always been attentive to the needs of less well-off families – states the Councilor for Finance Raffaello Gianfranceschi –. TARI is one of the most burdensome taxes, but essential to cover the costs of waste collection and disposal. We recognize the difficulties many families are facing and are committed to providing practical support.”

“Together with the Administration we proposed these measures to support families in difficulty – adds the councilor for social policies Giorgia Podestà -. We want to guarantee further concrete aid to alleviate the economic burden on Montignino families.”

“This initiative represents a significant step towards supporting families in difficult conditions – concludes the Councilor for the Environment Giulio Francesconi – demonstrating the municipal administration’s commitment to responding to the real needs of the community and promoting a more sustainable environment. Through these benefits, we want to offer concrete help to those who need it most and reinforce the importance of responsible waste management, building together a greener and more inclusive future for all.”

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