Italy 24 Press News

Emilia-Romagna: 750 thousand euros for the production of works by companies based in the region

The Emilia-Romagna Region makes available 750 thousand euros of European resources (PR-Fesr 2021-2027) for companies in the cinematographic and audiovisual sector.

The goal is to promote the production of works created in Emilia-Romagnathus contributing to the development of the regional supply chain and the professionalisation of its operators, and to support an ecosystem which, in recent years, has proven to be a strategic factor for economic and employment development, for the valorisation of the territory and culture capable to promote identity and social cohesion.

The announcement

The new tender promoted by the Department of Culture and Landscape of the Region is addressed to single micro and small-medium enterprises, with registered office in Emilia-Romagna or with an operational unit active in the regional territory for at least 12 months.

They are allowed cinematographic works (with a duration exceeding 52 minutes) intended primarily for viewing in cinemas; individual television works (lasting more than 52 minutes) or series (at least two episodes with a total duration of 90 minutes or more) for broadcast via a television broadcaster; web worksintended for dissemination through audiovisual media service providers (with a duration exceeding 52 minutes); short filmsi.e. audiovisual works, including serial ones, with a total duration of less than or equal to 52 minutes; documentaries, or series based primarily on real events, places or activities, also through archive images and in which any inventive or fantastic elements are instrumental to the representation and documentation of situations and facts, regardless of the mode of use (with a duration exceeding 52 minutes).

To be eligible the projects must sustain at least 30% of the total production costs in the regional territory, and in the case of an international co-production, the minimum percentage of spending on the territory is reduced to 20%. For projects entirely created with animation techniques, the territorial obligations are considered fulfilled if the cost plan envisages supporting at least 15% of the total production costs in the regional territory.

The deadline for the conclusion of the project is set at 31 December 2025, for production projects made entirely with animation techniques the deadlines for completing the project are set at 31 December 2026. An extension of up to six months may be granted.

The maximum grant that can be granted is 150 thousand euros for cinematographic works and television works, 50 thousand euros for documentaries, 25 thousand euros for web works and short films.

Eligible projects presented by producers based in Emilia-Romagna who have signed an international co-production contract with companies based in the German region of Hessen or the French region of Nouvelle Aquitaine will be assigned a contribution equal to 60% of the total eligible expenses.

Applications for contributions must be completed, validated and sent to the Region exclusively electronically, via the “Sfinge2020” web application, the access and use methods of which will be made available on the Region’s website in the section dedicated to the tender, from 4pm on 17 June 2024 to 4pm on 31 July 2024.

June 19th a webinar will take place at 10 am (in person and online) for the presentation of the notice, at viale Aldo Moro 30, Bologna.

Consult our summary sheet.

For information: [email protected].


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