Italy 24 Press News

European elections: Fdi first party in Massa-Carrara, then the Pd. But not all that glitters is gold…

MASSA-CARRARA – Even in Massa-Carrara, as at a national level, the Brothers of Italy are the leading party. At the end of the counting for the European elections (261 out of 261 sections) Giorgia Meloni’s party received 25.07%, a result still more than 3 points lower than the national one. Immediately behind was the Democratic Party which received the vote of 24.7% of the voters who decided to participate in this electoral round. This figure is in line with the national result of the political force led by Elly Schlein (24.06%).

However, not all that glitters is gold, as the famous saying goes. In fact, the abstention rate in the Apuan province (as at a national level) was very high: just over 46% of those entitled to vote went to the polls (we talked about it here). And this data had an important influence on the absolute number of votes collected by the two main political forces of the province and the country. If at a national level the Democratic Party has gained around 300 thousand votes compared to the last national election (that of the 2022 general elections, 5.3 million votes against the 5.6 million of the 2024 European elections), the same cannot be said of Fdi . In fact, Prime Minister Meloni’s party went from 7.3 million votes in the previous elections to 6.7 million in the European elections, losing around 600 thousand votes.


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In proportion, an absolute loss of votes which is also recorded at the provincial level: Fdi lost around 6,500 votes in Massa-Carrara, going from around 25 thousand in the 2022 elections to 18,500 in the European elections. In this case there is also a loss of votes by the Democratic Party: in 2022 the votes collected were approximately 23,300, while in the last electoral round they were approximately 18,200, i.e. 5 thousand votes less.


Below is the result of the other lists in the province of Massa-Carrara:

3. Forza Italia 15.6%
4. 5 Star Movement 9.05%
5. League 7.7%
6. Green Left Alliance 6.46%
7. Peace Earth Dignity 4.08%
8. United States of Europe 3.13%
9. 2.5% share
10. Sovereign People’s Democracy 0.81%
11. Freedom 0.57%
12. Popular Alternative: 0.28%


In Lunigiana the results will begin to arrive after 3pm, when the counting of the local elections will begin.

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