Italy 24 Press News

Campagna Amica, Tuesday market on the Piazza Marconi side

The Campagna Amica market on Tuesdays in Cremona is moving… but only by a handful of metres. The appointment with the farmers of Coldiretti, who offer foods grown in the countryside for direct sales every week, returns tomorrow, Tuesday 11 June, at the portico of the Agricultural Consortium. The yellow gazebos will not be in the usual location, that of Via Monteverdi, but will always remain under the portico of the Consortium, moving to the side that overlooks Piazza Marconi.

A ‘move’ of a few metres, which became necessary given the need to make the part of the portico with the entrance in Via Monteverdi safe, from whose ceiling some portions of plaster had peeled off due to the humidity. The area in question is currently cordoned off, while the part of the portico facing the Violin Museum can be used in complete safety – and will temporarily host the Campagna Amica market.

“Many citizens have contacted us to ask for information – underline the Coldiretti farmers protagonists of the market –. We are happy to return from this Tuesday, after the necessary interruption last week, bringing all the fruits of Cremonese agriculture and our work. We hope to be able to resume our usual location soon, but in the meantime we are committed to still being present, every Tuesday, with the same enthusiasm as always.”

“We thank the Agricultural Consortium, which hosts our market and which immediately took action to plan the necessary restoration of the portico – continue the farmers of the market – and the Municipality, for its interest in the matter. We have moved, but only by a handful of metres, thus ensuring our presence tomorrow and every Tuesday, trying to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the many Cremonese who appreciate and await our weekly appointment”.

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