Italy 24 Press News


Patrizio Bertin (Ascom President): “Everything is fine, were it not for inflation which is contracting consumption”

“Everything is fine, if it weren’t for theinflation which continues to have a negative impact on expenses.”
Patrick Bertin, from regional president of Confcommercio Venetoexpressed himself in these terms to comment on thesurvey on summer consumption conducted by his organization with Unioncamere Veneto.
From provincial president of Confcommercio Ascom Padovagoes further down detail.
“With regard to Padua and its territory – specifies the president – ​​l‘inflation it is the factor that most distresses our fellow citizens and the level of concern is ithe largest of all the provinces Venetian. However, we are comforted by the fact that 72% of our fellow countrymen declare that, for example for the sales season which will begin in July, 72% confirm or improve the spending budget compared to last year”.

Returning to inflation, if in fact 77% of Belluno citizens are worried about the upward change in prices, 82% of Venetians are worried, while in Treviso, Vicenza and Rovigo the concern rises by one point: 83% . Verona is at 84% but only Padua reaches the top of 86%.
“The Paduan middle class – explains Bertin – views with concern theerode spending capacity which, to some extent, also transfers to travel and holidays in the next quarter”.

Fixed at 64%. percentage of Venetians That will travel in the summer (Verona at 76%; Treviso at 66%; Belluno at 62%; Venice at 61%; Vicenza at 60% and Rovigo at 53%), Padua is one point below average with its 63%, but it is significant that the 29 % stay in Veneto (when the Veronese are at 20%) and 63% choose an Italian location but outside the region. The situation is better if we look at holidays abroad which Paduans choose in 38% of cases, a little below those from Vicenza who will go across the border in 40%.

And speaking of travel and holidaysintrigues her motivation which determines the choice of location: 68% firmly focus on tranquility and relaxation in a healthy environment (however the sea for 43% and the mountains for 33% of those interviewed). Near new experiences 13%, while 10% choose the culture (cities of art are preferred by 14%). 4% do not hide and opt for places where thefood and wine gives great satisfaction to the palate, while a narrow 2% intends have fun with the purpose of meet new people.
“It’s a very varied picture – he concludes Bertin – which makes us believe that a revival of consumption, which are currently in a phase of stagnation, can resume vigorous since they are own consumption is the real “buster” of our economy in concert with tourism which, let us remember, sees us leading among all the Italian regions with as much as 16% of the total”.

PADUA 10 JUNE 2024

(Ascom Padua)

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