Italy 24 Press News

European elections, in Lamezia Fdi is the first party and Pd is declining: what changes in the race for the municipal elections

Lamezia Terme – Although European, the elections just concluded in the city also offer a picture that unequivocally refers to the national data. In Lamezia, with the counting completed (78 sections out of 78), Brothers of Italy it is the first party with 4532 equal to 25.35 percent, with a good success of the only candidate from Lamezia, Ersilia Amatruda which well exceeds six thousand preferences but fails to achieve the election. In 2019 at the municipal elections Fdi obtained 3656 list votes. A significant result that comes at a particular time compared to the obvious opposition expressed towards the municipal administration, so much so that the Fdi representatives in the municipal council are in opposition. Could this soon translate into the claim, if the center-right were to regroup, of the candidate for mayor of the city in view of the 2025 municipal elections? In fact, the electoral campaign for this appointment begins today on the basis of the result of the European elections. The party of mayor Paolo Mascaro, Forza Italiaalong with the list We Moderates gets a not so idyllic 15.99 percent. Translated into votes, 2859 which, objectively, is not a satisfactory result, given the votes obtained in the 2019 administrative elections when he obtained 3473 votes.

For the League, which was in fact “counted” for the first time: 2334 votes, or 13.06 percent. Even Salvini’s party, like Fdi, does not like the actions of Mascaro’s “centrist” council and together with the Melonians could prove decisive in future choices for the administrative bodies. At the Center, also here for the first time in the city, the 667 votes of Action which is equivalent to 3.73 percent and it will then be clear how it will be positioned. It being understood that a list in the municipal elections could count on the strength of the individual candidates so as to increase the votes and percentage. In the centre-left, the Democratic party it does not go beyond 2663 votes equal to 14.90 percent. Down compared to the 2019 municipal elections when the Democratic Party obtained 3613 list votes. The current internal situation certainly weighs on the result with the minority (majority?) having long since distrusted the city secretary, Gennarino Masi and with controversies and internal frictions that do not seem to be resolved at all. Indeed, this post-vote could worsen the differences if no one takes steps back and mend the rifts. We need to return to the path of dialogue, also in consideration of the divisions that are evident in the other coalition. In other words, the united center-left could “take advantage” of the division and distances that separate the center-right parties. Always in the centre-left, the Five Stars movement he obtained 13.01 percent with 2325 votes which, compared to the 2019 municipal elections (1353) are a good base. It should be taken into account, however, that Cinquestelle gathers greater support when it comes to national and non-local competitions. City leaders should reflect on this. Another data, that of Alliance-Greens and Left which he obtained in the city, 1032 votes for a percentage of 5.77. And then the list of Michele Santoro which collects 489 votes (2.7) largely attributable to the votes of Communist refoundation. Finally, the Renzians’ haul in the city was very poor with 397 votes for a percentage of 2.2. Of course, it will be said that the European Championships are not very attractive, that the 32 degrees and the heat on Saturday and Sunday played against them; that unfortunately abstentionism is widespread, but the fact is that the indications coming from this electoral round are a signal not to be overlooked and which will certainly make us reflect.

Antonio Cannone


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