Italy 24 Press News

Municipal elections 2024 in the province of Caltanissetta, live counting

Special Caltanissetta municipal elections and province 2024: in direct the results of the counting of the capital of Nisseno, but also of the other two municipalities in the province voting, Frost And Mazarin.

Please note that in Sicily – on the occasion of the 2024 administrative elections – 37 Municipalities in 7 provinces voted (no Municipalities in Enna and Ragusa voted). Furthermore, Sicilian citizens also expressed their vote to renew the European Parliament.

Municipal elections in the province of Caltanissetta 2024, live counting

Who are the new mayors of the province of Caltanissetta?

Caltanissetta: updating

Mazarin: updating

Frost: updating

Live coverage of the municipal elections in Caltanissetta

Also follow the results of the elections of the Municipality of Caltanissetta, the only provincial capital to vote for the 2024 administrative elections, on (ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIAL 2024 – CALTANISSETTA).

Municipal elections 2024, directed by the province of Caltanissetta

Here are the live updates on election results in Gela and Mazzarino to elect the new mayors and the municipal administration.

  • Monday 10 June 2024, 2pm: The counting for the local elections begins, after the conclusion of the one for the European elections.
  • Sunday 9 June 2024, 11pm. The polls are closed. The local and European elections for 2024 have concluded.

Municipal elections in Sicily, the general live

The 2024 municipal elections in Sicily involved not only Caltanissetta (the only provincial capital voting), but also other municipalities distributed across 7 provinces (no municipalities voting in Enna and Ragusa). Follow her directADMINISTRATIVE SPECIAL 2024” of to find out the names of the new Sicilian mayors and the outcome of the counting.

Turnout data

Special municipal elections in Caltanissetta, here are the turnout data in the capital of Nisseno on the occasion of the 2024 administrative elections (source: Sicilian Region platform):

Overall province of Caltanissetta:




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Candidates for mayor in Caltanissetta, Gela and Mazzarino

THE candidates in the municipal elections of Caltanissetta are: Roberto Gambinorunning for a second term; Angelo Failla, official of the Agriculture Inspectorate and former councilor of the Campisi Council; the businessman Ignazio Antonio Riggi; the former president of the University Consortium Walter Tesauro and the lawyer Annalisa Petitto.

TO Frost the outgoing mayor Lucio Greco will not take the field. There are 5 candidates in the municipal elections of one of the most important municipalities in the province of Caltanissetta: Terenziano Di Stefano (centre-left), Grazia Cosentino (FdI, Forza Italia, Lega, Democrazia Cristiana Nuova, Italia Viva), Filippo Franzone (Moto Civico), Miguel Donegani (Progressives and Renovators), Totò Scerra (Moderate lists, Italian Liberal Party, Totò Scerra Mayor). The mayoral candidates of Mazarininstead, they are: Damiano Arena with the civic list “Mazzarino Lab”, Vincenzo D’Asaro with the “Alleanza Mazzarino” list, and Mimmo Faraci with the “Ripartiamo Mazzarino” list.

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