Italy 24 Press News

“Received insults and threats in Bologna”

June 10, 2024, 11:07 am

2 min read

Trapani Shark returns to the top Italian basketball championship after 33 years. The Sharks beat Bologna at PalaDozza, closing the series for promotion at 3-1. After the triumph, the president of the granata club Valerio Antonini has released some statements reported on the team’s official website.

“Trapani won! Now let’s get drunk, celebrate and enjoy all the emotions of this evening that will remain in the history of this city which I learned to love very much and which gave me indescribable emotions. Meanwhile, I dedicate the victory to my 4 loves: my Ambra, my blond angel Diego Armando, my Carlos Alberto and my Roby”.

“Then to my exceptional group, from Julio to Valeriano, from Andrea to the fantastic players, and to all the staff! And finally to the fans, to you who supported, defended and accompanied us in this amazing ride. On the sidelines of the victory, Trapani Shark, led by president Valerio Antonini, strongly stigmatizes the treatment received at PalaDozza”, Antonini then focuses.

Leaving aside the inhumane amount of insults and threats the president received throughout the matchalso leaving out what they defined as the VIP area for the visiting team and which was a buffet not even sufficient to feed a small part of our delegation – says the president -, to continue with having been forced to receive the awards ceremony in under the stairs ‘by imposition’ of the Lions’ Den, the Fortitudo ultras, who prohibited the ceremony on the playing parquet, as per institutional practice”.

Antonini: “Sicily has won!”

“Equally, the club remains stunned by having been forced to remain in the same basement, by the will of the police and by the ineptitude of the Bologna club, until late at night, unable to celebrate with their fans. Fans flocked wonderfully and politely, once again, to the Madison in Piazzale Azzarita.”

In the next few days we reserve the right to report to the relevant offices any protection necessary for the image of the club, of Trapani and of the whole of Sicily for the epithets that our managers heard at the end of the match from people who should have played a completely different role in a final for promotion among professionals. A role that, evidently, many have shown tonight that they are not suited to carry out. We are proud of the failure of management, organizational capacity and civility that we gave in this final. Sicily, not just Trapani, won!”, concluded Antonini.

Published on

June 10, 2024, 11:07 am

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