Italy 24 Press News

Benevento, Mastella presents the restylist of Piazza Duomo: «A new garden»

«We will embellish Piazza Duomo with a beautiful garden». Perhaps the words spoken by Clemente Mastella when presenting the restyling of Piazza Cardinal Pacca sounded cryptic to many. Where could a garden ever arise in the space in front of the Cathedral, now occupied by an expanse of paving stones crossed every day by thousands of cars? The answer lies in the new Pics season, i.e. in the 2021/27 programming of European funds.

The redevelopment of the nodal area Piazza Duomo-Piazza Orsini it is the absolute priority of the municipal administration in defining the package of works to be presented to the Region for admission to financing. And the first traces of work are already starting to circulate on the tables of Palazzo Mosti, also prompted by the invitation to speed up the drafting of the preliminary designs of the Pics addressed to municipal technicians by the officials of the technical assistance structure of Palazzo Santa Lucia during the summit held in Naples a month ago. Within the new programming, the Municipality of Benevento, according to what was anticipated by the regional representatives, will count on a budget revised upwards compared to the 15.7 million from the previous «Integrated sustainable city program» just went to archive.

There funding should be close to 20 millionbut time is running out and we already need to speed up to avoid overruns on the final reporting date which in the previous planning affected several municipalities in Campania, including the one in Benevento precisely for Piazza Pacca, which remained “uncovered” for 160 thousand euros.

It is in this context that the advances made three nights ago by the mayor must be included. Not a mere intention but a spoiler of what is starting to take shape in the municipal offices, even if in embryo. A clear indication of this are the renderings created by the company responsible for the technical-economic feasibility design of the property in Piazza Duomo, shown to the public during the presentation held a few days ago in Piazza Roma. Among the drawings drawn up by the technicians in charge of the context also appears the probable new look of Piazza Orsini, which will be completely rewritten.

The garden square referred to by Mayor Mastella it will rise on the left side of the Cathedral looking at the facade, where today the stretch of road runs alongside the open space which was used as a car park for a long time. In place of the road, a pedestrian square will be built with light stone paving, suited to the importance of the places, shade plants and seating. In practice, a real square, what has always been missing in that area always at the center of controversy. The need to free up traffic will be met by moving the roadway to the space currently occupied by the closed car park, which will mean making the very first stretch of Corso Garibaldi accessible to vehicles, from where it will turn onto Via Goduti to reach the lower part of the city.

A reorganization that could lead to another significant change. Municipal technicians are studying the possibility of completely pedestrianizing the area in front of the Duomo, from the entrance steps to the so-called Mamozio. An extension of the churchyard which would finally allow the church to breathe – monument, saving it from exhaust fumes and the risk of pedestrians being hit. In this perspective, the traffic coming from Corso Dante would be diverted onto Corso Vittorio Emanuele.

Scenarios that clearly will have to be confirmed in the coming weeks. As well as the other preview provided by Mastella when cutting the ribbon in Piazza Pacca. The Municipality is verifying the feasibility of creating a direct connection between Piazza Pacca and the Roman Theatre. The opportunity is given by the existence of an opening inside the medieval walls, along the back section of the square. From there, in a few hundred metres, you have access to the rear part of the Theatre. A new tourist route that would accentuate the value of the infopoint and the connected bus stop.


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