Italy 24 Press News

Women’s health, even the Lecce hospital with a “pink sticker” for a day of prevention

LECCE – The “Vito Fazzi” hospital in Lecce is also among those “pink label” involved in the first edition of the women’s open day, for medical prevention for women. On Friday 19 June, the Onda Foundation organized together with the Lecce hospital a day of clinical-diagnostic and information services in various specialist areas to monitor health from puberty to menopause.

Dietetic visits are scheduled from 2.45pm to 5.45pm at the Lecce oncology centre. You can book by writing to [email protected] starting from June 10th. Furthermore, the mobile medical clinic camper will be held in Piazza Mazzini from 9am to 1pm: doctors and psychologists from the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, a Senology doctor, a doctor and operators from the Prevention Department will be present, and the Oncology Screening Center will provide information on the women’s health and will offer free HPV vaccination to women within the target population according to ministerial guidelines. It is freely accessible.

The network, made up of 361 hospitals located throughout the national territory, supports Fondazione Onda Ets in promoting, even within hospitals, a “gender” approach in the definition and strategic planning of clinical-assistance services, essential to guarantee the right to health not only of women but also of men.

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