Italy 24 Press News

European elections, in the province of Pescara Fratelli d’Italia above 32%

Fratelli d’Italia is the most voted party in the province of Pescara for the European elections on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June, with 32.55% of the preferences and 44,971 votes.
In second place is the Democratic Party with 20.65% and 28,533 votes.

Third position for the 5 Star Movement with 16,501 votes equal to 11.94%.

Then follow Forza Italia-Noi Moderati-PPE with 11.50% (15,885 votes), Lega with 6.92% (9,554 votes), Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra with 5.67% (7,837 votes), Pace Terra Dignity with 4.06% (5,609 votes), United States of Europe with 2.63% (3,632 votes), Action We are Europeans with 2.16% (2,991 votes), Freedom with 0.85% ( 1,168 votes), Animalist Party-Italexit with 0.76% (1,044 votes) and Popular Alternative with 0.31% (435 votes).

As regards the 14 candidates from Abruzzo, these are the votes obtained: in Fratelli d’Italia Nicola D’Ambrosio 3,744 preferences and Giovanna Greco 388; in Forza Italia Antonella Ballone 3,295 votes and Eliseo Iannini 2,565; in the Democratic Party Manola Di Pasquale reaches 3,812 preferences; in the League Laura Cucchiarella obtains 834 votes; in the M5s Fabio Stella 1,402 votes and Valentina Corneli 1,237; for Azione Libera D’Amelio 322 votes; for the Green Alliance and the Left, Giulia Persico took home 1,456 preferences; Dino Rossi of Libertà 245 votes; for Peace, Earth and Dignity Maurizio Acerbo 2,276 preferences, Ilaria Leonardis 180 and Paolo Della Ventura 47.

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