Italy 24 Press News

European elections in the Province of Arezzo: FdI first party, Pd, Forza Italia and Greens doing well

.​​​The Province of Arezzo also confirms its traction with the Brothers of Italy which in the definitive data of the 2024 European elections goes from 28 percent of the 2022 elections to 32.04%. Meloni’s party received 48,881 votes of the 152,585 cast in the two-day election, in relation to the competition for the European Parliament. The collapse in turnout stands out, falling to 61% from the previous European ones, only 51% in the capital Arezzo

Behind FdI, whose provincial secretary is Francesco Lucacci, rises the Democratic Party led by Arezzo’s first female secretary, Barbara Croci, who goes from 26.18 in the political elections to 29.47 (absolute votes 44,966). The 5 Star Movement is significantly behind, falling to 7.75% (it was 10.24), Forza Italia does well as together with We Moderates they add forces and positions itself with 7.15% ahead of the Salvini Premier League which stops at 6.67% (was 7.57). Excellent result for the Left Green Alliance which reached 5.65% (it was 3.86) while the United States of Europe project by Matteo Renzi and other forces collected 4.42% and Azione di Calenda did not go beyond 2, 87. Peace, Earth, Dignity closes with 2.21 Sovereign Popular Democracy 0.78, then Freedom 0.61 and Popular Alternative closes with 0.39.

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