Italy 24 Press News

Boar emergency. Coldiretti Campania asks for the adoption of a containment plan. The interview

The presence of wild boars throughout the Salerno area is a real emergency, therefore Coldiretti Campania asks for the adoption of a containment plan.

In Campania the presence of 58 thousand ungulates is estimated which, added to the data from the other regions, brings the figure to over two million animals. A real invasion that represents a risk for citizens as well as a tragedy from an economic point of view.

“Too little is said about wild boars – explains the director of Coldiretti Campania Salvatore Loffreda – We don’t have to wait to see new images of devastated fields, mowed down crops and dangerous car accidents, even fatal, to realize that the emergency is more current than never. It’s time to loudly ask for a regional law that definitively sheds light on the subject.” “It is time to ask for an end to inertia and the adoption of a containment plan in all regions of Italy. This is the only way to give a concrete response to farmers and citizens” concludes Salvatore Loffreda.

Loffreda on a wild boar emergency
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Antonella D’Alto

Graduated in communication sciences, I began my professional experience in the world of journalism at Radio Alfa in 2006. Radio has always been my second home. Over the years I have also written for newspapers and newspapers and for some time I have also been part of the editorial staff of a local TV station. Professional journalist, I live my work as a passion. I like reading, watching films and going to the beach.

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