Italy 24 Press News

Umbertide’s Avis is growing. In one year 57 new members

UMBERTIDE – Avis of Umbertide at the top in Umbria for blood donations. The numbers provided by the board of directors for 2023 say this: in the year, 1667 total donations, including blood and plasma, were made in the city. The data regarding the entry of new members is very good, with 57 new members bringing the total number of donors to 1333. The association itself provided a complete overview of Avis Umbertide’s activity. “As tradition – also in 2023 Umbertide contributed significantly to the regional collection of blood and plasma. Our donors made 1556 donations of whole blood and 111 of plasma for a total of 1667 donations”. In addition to a notable increase in new members, donors who had kept their commitment on hold also became active again: “Despite the change in society which proves to be little attentive and oriented towards solidarity – Avis points out – Umbertide today includes 1333 periodic donors of which 57 new members in 2023 and 33 have resumed the donation activity. The number of donor members is higher than the regional average, but the continuous and growing demand for blood pushes us to ask Umbertidians for a greater effort in order to increase both the number of members. the number of donations. Unfortunately in our region there is a shortage of blood and difficulty in fulfilling the request”.


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