Italy 24 Press News

student faints at the Corni institute in Modena

Modena, 9 June 2024 – They call him Blackout Game and are actually organised challenge on Tik Tok, so much so that the well-known platform has recently ‘banned’ its contents. It is especially widespread among adolescents: the ‘race’ consists ofinduce fainting and stay without oxygen for as long as possible.

Let’s talk about one very dangerous practice and which already has victims in Italy and, in general, throughout the world. It is not clear whether the terrifying game last week was emulated within theCorni Tecnico educational institute.

What seems certain, however, is that a 16 year old boy lost consciousness for an indefinite time – perhaps a few moments or more than a minute – after a schoolmate hit him on the throat from behind, or in any case grabbing him by the neckprecisely in an attempt to make him run out of air.

A sudden pressure in a vital point, which caused immediate illness to the victim. There is alarm among the parents and teachers of Corni Tecnico where, in fact, last week the very serious episode occurred which, only by miracle, apparently did not cause serious injuries to the student victim of the reprehensible gesture.

The contours of the story are still unclear: the school director preferred to keep what happened confidential. However, according to what was leaked in the corridors of the school, during lessons one second year student he would have been a victim, despite himself, of the dangerous game.

It seems that the will of the person responsible was precisely that of knock your partner unconscious of school. Not for a question of ‘rivalry’ but of challenge. In short, the desire to show ‘the dangerous move’ to other peers.

It is not even clear whether, beyond the students present, some of the teachers whether he realized what happened immediately or only some time later. The friendsperhaps to ‘cover up’ what the other student had committed, they would have helped the student get up accompanying him back to class. No emergency services would have arrived: the 16-year-old would then tell his parents what happened once he returned home.

It seems that the boy’s family is already intending to file a complaint for the serious gesture. Yesterday, concern emerged among the institute’s teachers about an event – perhaps not isolated – which could have led to dramatic consequences. In fact, the ‘game’ of fainting, unfortunately, it has been known for some time and worries parents: often, in fact, teenagers engage in real competitions on social networks, without realizing the danger of those actions.

The Corni Institute has ended up in the news several times in the past, due to fights, throwing objects but also episodes of violence between students and towards ATA teachers and staff, with various interventions by the police. Several times, then, groups of young people from the nearby professional institute had entered the headquarters of the technical Corni throwing chairs and, on one occasion, physically attacking first a teacher and then a student. The minor’s parents immediately filed a complaint. It had been some time before instead a professor was attacked, ‘guilty’ of having scolded some students and the intervention of health workers had become necessary on site. ‘Same scene’ always after a short time, even towards a janitor.

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