Italy 24 Press News

“Foreigner threatened because she doesn’t have a ticket”: complaint against an agent

“Say goodbye to your son because today is the last day you will see him. I have him taken away by social services.” This is what a local police officer would have shouted at a black woman who would have been guilty of not having paid the fare on the bus. The event which occurred some time ago in Cadeo, was reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office by an inhabitant of Cadeo, a fifty-year-old Italian, who witnessed the scene. The fact could constitute the hypothesis of a threat crime.


The man reported in his complaint that the victim of the threats was a young black mother, who was taking her son to school on the bus to Cadeo. The Seta staff – according to what was reported in the complaint – had asked the woman for the ticket, who had shown a season ticket that was not recognized by the microcamera reader of the Seta controllers themselves.

Once they reached their destination, that is, the minor’s school, mother and son got out and were followed by Seta staff who called the local police.

“The policeman, once he arrived, started screaming in front of the child who was very scared – reported the Cadeo resident – ​​and other children present who were on their way to school were also terrified”.


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