Italy 24 Press News

Pro Sesto and Pro Patria invited to the pros’ grand ball: everything is ready for the grand finale of the Amici dei Bambini

Air of great football Street Felice Orsiniwhere the matches of the final phase amateurs of the Tournament «Children’s Friends». Considered a pillaras well as one of most important tournaments in the Lombardy football scenea competition in which many teams, both professional and professional, have always participated amateurs. After i quarter finalswhich took place in the morning, in the afternoon he instead told the stories semi-finals (in which not only the finalists of the tournament were decided, but also the two participants in the professional phase on Sunday) and the final. In the end it was the boys who triumphed Pro Sesto, who managed to win the last match 3-0 over Pro Patria. Now the two teams will be engaged in the final phase of the professional grouping, the Pro Sesto will be in the group with Milan, Turin, Atalanta; while the Pro Patria with Inter, Genoa, Monza.


One more last dance, and then they will part ways. This is the summary of the final speech of Mirko Leoni, technician ofAldini hostess of the competition. In fact, as always all good things have an end, like the coach’s relationship with the team of the class of 2011, a relationship that had been going on for a long time three years. The reaction of the kids on the field is important, taking control straight away the reins of the gamecreating many opportunities, especially at the feet of a very inspired player Romanwho often attempts a direct shot on goal, but also gives interesting ideas to his companions. What the home team’s boys make clear is that in this match the result is simply something superfluous, the real goal is to play for the coachas can be seen in the reaction of the boys who are replaced, their faces angry and at the same time moved because they are aware of the end of a beautiful story, but also the beginning of another understanding for many of them, that is, the passage into competitive football.

However, in football the team that triumphs is the one that succeeds to score more goalsAnd the Enotria This definition fits us perfectly. The patience it was the great virtue of the boys of Pucci, who calmly waited their turn to respond to the home team’s attacks, showing significant cynicism, which allowed the rossoblù to score three goals. The first arrives at the beginning of the first half, with Pirri who manages to make the most of the free kick by coming out behind the opponents and managing to push the ball into the goal, the other two – which arrived in the second half of the game – are the icing on the cake of the masterpiece of Pucci’s team, first with a perfect brushstroke on a free kick from Hoteled For Pezzaliand then Pistilli’s masterpiece, a great crossing shot that puts the target atcrossing of the poles, making it uncatchable for the home goalkeeper. In the end it was therefore Enotria who took home third place in the tournament.


A fantastic route both for the Pro Sesto that for the Pro Patriaor for finalists of the amateur group of the competition. Both teams reached the final and consequently obtained the right to advance in the competition against the six teams in the group professionals. The road that led the team to Sesto San Giovanni playing their cards in the final was very painful: first against St. Peter’s Bridge the victory came by a narrow margin 1-0while the victory against Aldini only materialized in the penalty shootout. More route Calm for Busto’s team, with a great large format victory against Vigor Milan For 6-0a smaller but important result against the Enotria for good2-0.

The final therefore starts strong way for the boys of Variscowho after a few minutes manage to obtain a penaltywhich however will not be capitalized by the specialist Lombardiwho in fact decides to angle the ball too much as it comes out without even touching the pole. The number 29 from Sesto will redeem himself later in the match, scoring one double (the first taking advantage of the goalkeeper’s reboundwhile the second once again right from the spot scoring this time) which is worth it winning the trophy. Besides him he participates in the goal celebration Capassowho with a great cross shot, which clears the cobwebs at the top corner, makes the bench explode with joy as they are unable to contain their emotions by running to hug him.

Exit defeated, but with head held high instead Pro Patriawho on several occasions was able to try to worry the goal sestesi with some dangerous shots. It was the one who took the spotlight Barbusciawho on several occasions was the protagonist with great saves, especially on the occasion attempted by Ravallia great shot into the top corner, which was promptly blocked by the goalkeeper Pro Patria. However, the final whistle is a sentence, so it was the one who triumphed Pro Sestowhich imposes itself with a clear 3-0 which is worth lifting the trophy.



Aldini-Enotria 0-3
NETWORKS: 7′ Pirri (E), 7′ st Pezzali (E), 8′ st Pistilli (E).
ALDINI: Langella, Palma, Giacco, Tirino, Zappia, Romano, Guidi, Beccati, Del Castello, Papa, Valerio, Turcarelli, Marvuglia, Noè. All. Lions.
ENOTRIA: Ayari, Piccinini, Riva, Caputo, Pezzali, Barbetta, Pistilli, Albergati, Corrado, Pirri, Vinci, Fabiano, Flute, Saka, Minniti. All. Pucci.


Pro Sesto-Pro Patria 3-0
2′ st Lombardi (S), 9′ st Rig. Lombardi (S), 12′ st Capasso (S).
Balestra, Bevilaqua, Bonfante, Capasso, Capizzi, Ferro, Leone, Lombardi, Lucchetti, Raia, Ravalli, Sala, Scalera, Scattini, Sicilia, Sorbino, Trezzi, Vilardi. All. Varisco
Abate, Barbuscia, Colombara, De Maria, Lucaj, Marullo, Medici, Motta, Palazzi, Rifici, Salina, Terranova, Trezzi, Turconi, Zucca. All. Carameli.

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