Italy 24 Press News

Employment inclusion of disadvantaged women, support from the entrepreneurship committee

The initiative aimed at bringing together bodies and institutions was illustrated at the Chamber of Commerce. Training courses for self-entrepreneurship to provide concrete help towards autonomy

A meeting to systematize and raise awareness of a meritorious project which aims to promote the social and working inclusion of women in conditions of economic disadvantage. Local and regional institutions brought together by the committee for female entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia to learn from the voice of women about the validity of the project called “Intrecci di vita 2.0”, created with the support of Fondazione Con il Sud and Enel Cuore Onlus as part of the “In the heart of the South” tender.

A project with a dual impact, social and economic. At the looms, the hands of women victims of violence or in serious economic conditions who get back into the game by reconstructing, together with that of the fabrics, also the plot of their lives. An initiative fully supported by the female entrepreneurship committee of the Chamber of Commerce which will provide participants with skills and tools to support them on a path to career redemption.

The project was born from the experience of the Spazio Aperto association and its partner associations which aims to achieve the reintegration into work of disadvantaged people combined with the work carried out by ARSAC Calabria on the subject of recovery and valorisation of textile art. Specifically, a training course in textile craftsmanship is envisaged with lectures on the history of the textile product and practical workshops aimed at acquiring specific skills in the use of the weaving loom.

The path then continues with the employment of women through the activation of professional internships in companies in the textile and tailoring sector, aimed at strengthening and expanding technical weaving skills and developing transversal skills. And it is in this context that the action of the committee for female entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce fits in, which will organize training and self-entrepreneurship courses to encourage effective inclusion in the local socio-economic fabric. The tools will be provided to support the start-up of new businesses or for the establishment of cooperatives, accompanying them on a path of autonomy and independence.

The initiative was illustrated yesterday during a conference attended by the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia Pietro Falbothe regional councilor Antonello Talericothe president of the provincial commission for equal opportunities Donatella Solurithe province’s equality advisor Elena Morano Five and the president of the Soroptimist Club of Catanzaro Stefania Muzzi.

The technical table was chaired by the president of the female entrepreneurship committee of the Chamber of Commerce Antonella Mancuso in which the president of the Confartigianato women’s business movement also took part Giuliana Furrerthe coordinator of the regional observatory on gender violence and councilor for social policies of the Municipality of Catanzaro Giusy Pinomoderated by the coordinator of the “Intrecci di vita” project and member of the Spazio Aperto association Silvia Muraca.

All the participants agreed on the quality of the project and committed themselves, each according to their own skills, to create a support network between bodies and institutions with the sole aim of promoting the social reintegration of women.

«It is an extraordinary project in every aspect and purpose» clarified the president of the Chamber of Commerce’s female entrepreneurship committee Antonella Mancuso. «With this initiative we intended to bring together all possible interlocutors to weave a network of inter-institutional relationships which, in addition to producing positive effects for the local employment and economic sector, plays a fundamental role in maintaining the historical-cultural traditions of the Calabrian artisan sector. It can represent a pillar from which to start again for the much desired relaunch of Calabria which passes through the redemption of women. In this way, they are provided with tangible help by overcoming a welfare approach which, if an end in itself and not supported by a valid employment reintegration strategy, cannot bring benefits. Furthermore, it is a project that perfectly adheres to the principles of ecological transition, a clear example of a green and circular economy as it involves the cultivation of natural fibers and the recycling of textile fibres. A virtuous project from which we must all draw an example and take as a model.”

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