Italy 24 Press News

European elections, voting operations started regularly in Reggio Calabria

With reference to the news spread in the press and on social networks regarding an alleged “chaos” in the Municipality of Reggio Calabria in the imminence of the start of electoral operations, the Municipal Administration deems it necessary to reassure citizens regarding the non-existence of such circumstances , as all operations began without any delay or particular problem that was not resolved immediately.

Furthermore, reconstructions which would place the responsibility for the absence of the polling station presidents on the Municipality are completely false and devoid of any foundation.

The municipal administration of Reggio Calabria, in fact, made these appointments in strict compliance with the terms of the law. However, it had to deal with some cancellations, some of which arrived just in the hours before the polls opened, as well as no-shows of the designated subjects at the pre-established times. Deplorable conduct on the part of those who undertake the commitment to provide a service of particular importance such as that of presiding over polling stations. Nonetheless, the offices of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, working hard and in constant synergy, managed to make up for the sudden defections recorded in the best possible way, ensuring the orderly and punctual start of voting operations. This is thanks to the professionalism that distinguishes the organisation’s managers and employees.

Therefore, all the appointed chairmen of the polling stations fully comply with the requirements required by law and have been identified in full compliance with the terms indicated in cases such as those which have occurred.

The municipal administration will act in all appropriate judicial bodies to protect its image, should further alarmist and unfounded news be repeated, which gives rise to fears among citizens that voting operations may be tainted by any irregularity or improvisation.

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