Italy 24 Press News

The “Enchanted Garden” pusher arrested, the Local Police of Monza seizes over half a kilo of drugs

Monza. A seemingly peaceful afternoon turned into a scene from a detective film inside the fenced public park “Enchanted Garden“, between Visconti and Grassi streets. It was 5.30 pm when the agents of the Territorial Security Operational Unit (NOST) and the dog unit, during their usual urban security activity, carried out an decisive blow against drug dealing.

Officers were patrolling the park, known to be a gathering place for families and children, when they noticed a group of individuals sitting on a bench. Among these, a young man seemed particularly nervous. The dog, trained to detect narcotics, immediately targeted the suspect. During the olfactory inspection, the officers found approx 4 grams of hashish in his possession.

The disturbing discovery, the twist

The scrutiny didn’t stop there. The boy had parked his bicycle nearby. The officers decided to extend the search to the vehicle too, discovering others 58 grams of the same substance. The evidence was mounting and the atmosphere was becoming more and more tense.

During the personal search, the officers found a sum of money in small denomination banknotes it’s a small knife with the blade soaked in hashish. It was clear that the young man, a twenty-five-year-old Gambian national with a previous conviction for drug dealing in 2018, was somehow involved in drug dealing.

The house search

With the alleged pusher now in custody, officers received authorization for a local search of the suspect’s place of residence. In close collaboration with the Local Police of Lissone, they proceeded to search the young man’s apartment. The operation revealed a additional half a kilo of hashishdivided into blocks and pieces.

At the end of the long day, the young man was arrested and brought before the judge of the Monza court. The express train was scheduled for 10:30 the following morning. The judge has the arrest was validated and ordered the application of the precautionary measure of the obligation to reside in the municipality of Lissone.

Second arrest in a few days

It’s about the second blitz carried out in a few days by the men of via Marsala led by Commander Giovanni Dongiovanni. On Wednesday 5 June, agents of the Territorial Security Operations Unit (NOST) and the dog unit arrested a 34 year old of Moroccan nationality, homeless, thus putting an end to his illicit activity. The agents had been on the trail of a man for some time drug ring that he had transformed the ruined building between via Galvani and via Pacinotti in a meeting point for drug addicts.

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