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Cremonese, for Stroppa there are some “tactical misunderstandings” to resolve

Cremonese, for Stroppa there are some “tactical misunderstandings” to resolve

Some Cremonese players, with Stroppa’s form, found themselves a bit like a fish out of water. Revaluation or sale?

With confirmation on the bench of Cremonese for the technician Giovanni Stroppasome players who could have found new life with other coaches will necessarily have to be re-evaluated.

THE FLOPS OF JANUARY – Over all Dennis Johnsen, taken in January because he could do everything, found himself doing everything but with quite disappointing results everywhere. Once a winger, other times as a midfielder, other times as a sub, until he ended up on the bench in the games that mattered. As was easy enough to guess, outside of his own comfort zone of the lagoon 4-3-3, struggles to find his nest. Another, who also arrived in winter and progressively fell in the hierarchies, is Cesar Fallettibought by Ternana to remedy Buonaiuto’s injury, except to regress in the hierarchies because it was realized that without points of reference in front (in Terni he played behind two attackers) he struggled to find his position. And even as a midfielder it cannot be said that he shone, given the many missed goals compared to only one scored (as was the Norwegian).

REBUS ON THE LEFT – Like it or not, Cremo’s season was inevitably also affected by the situation linked to Valeri. It was thought to stop (hoping that he would change his mind about the renewal) with a Quail on the launch pad. Instead, the Sicilian full-back struggled to establish himself, and the simultaneous presence of so many important right wingers, who could also be used on the opposite lane, meant that he experimented more than necessary, finding a maneuver that was often “neutered” because the various Sernicola, Zanimacchia and the former Venezia themselves tend to come back on strong footing and waste playing time. It is therefore clear that someone (also taking into account Ghiglione), in the reconstruction of the puzzle that will take place in the market, could be considered too much.

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