Italy 24 Press News

Haiti, children adopted by Italian families have arrived in Italy. “Outstanding teamwork”

The exceptional work of the government made it possible, after months, to arrive in Italy ten children Of Haiti adopted by eight Italian families so that they could finally meet for the first time: the success of the institutions and of the Meloni government is great, which has worked tirelessly to reach this day of joy and give the children the possibility of a better life by tearing them away from hell in which their country of birth finds itself. It is said “Happy and proudAntonio TajaniForeign Minister, who wrote a message on social media praising the government’s work, and the Minister for Birth, Family and Equal Opportunities Eugenia Roccella who was at Rome Ciampino airport to welcome the children.

Tajani’s applause

10 minors have just arrived from Haiti to Ciampino on a special flight, thanks to exceptional teamwork by the Government. A complex operation in a deteriorated security context. Happy and proud to have allowed adoptive families and children to embrace each other“, the minister wrote on X also the most significant photos of the arrival at the Roman port.

Roccella’s words

The minister also expressed words of happiness Roccella that atAdnKronos explained that it is a “great satisfaction and emotion to see the children get off the plane because we were all truly in suspense: it was great team work with the commitment of the Aise, the Farnesina Crisis Unit, the Presidency of the Council and the I govern everything“. The minister recounted the first moments when she found the children with their adoptive families, explaining how they were very distressed. “The nice thing was that, after the hug with the families, in the space of an hour during which we were there at the airport, the atmosphere changed, it became much more playful and relaxed: the children had settled in , they changed their expression and felt the affection and security they were surrounded by“.

Thanks to the Italian government, these minors have abandoned a nation with major critical issues. Minister Roccella explains that especially the last hours before their arrival “they were really difficult, of great tension. It was a complicated process to get them there, in Haiti the situation is very risky: recently the director of an orphanage and two volunteers who looked after minors were also killed. And then there could also have been the risk of kidnappings, so as soon as there was a chance to make them leave we took it and now they are here. Now – he concludes – they are with their families and are going home, some to Calabria, some to Sardinia, some to Piedmont with great happiness for their parents and all of us“.

The words of politics

Satisfaction for such a complex operation was also expressed by the president of the senators of Forza Italia, Maurizio Gasparri, who thanked the Foreign Minister and all the diplomatic staff of the Farnesina who allowed the ten children to embrace their Italian families. “Tajani has demonstrated, once again, that he is always at the forefront of events affecting any part of the world with great diplomacy and effectiveness“.

The Vicenza senator from Forza Italia is also on the same wavelength, Pierantonio Zanettinwho applauded Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani and all the diplomatic staff of the Farnesina “for having managed to bring to our country children adopted by Italian families and stranded in Haiti by the civil war.

We are happy that these children can finally join their families and start a life with them. Once again the efficiency and human sensitivity of Minister Tajani and our diplomacy in resolving delicate situations in all parts of the world is demonstrated.”

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