Italy 24 Press News

The mother who had kidnapped her son in Aosta was found in Cuneo

The escape lasted less than a day Fatoumatta Ceesay29 year old mother who had brought her son with her Muhammed Lamin Camara, 5 years. The child was kidnapped on Thursday by his mother in Aosta and was found in Cuneo. «They found him in Cuneo – he says Valery Lucci, maternal aunt where the child, taken from his mother, had been placed -. They told us that they had found Muhammed and that he was fine. the child slept throughout the journey, we arrived home at 4 in the morning.”

The woman was found through the location of her cell phone by the police in Turin. Then following the signal, in real time, she moved to Cuneo. The little one had been placed by his aunt and uncle in following some episodes of mistreatment by the mother who, in addition to not following him, he did not feed him.

The escape occurred from home for women in difficulty of Aosta where the mother lives, during a weekly meeting scheduled by a multidisciplinary team of the Social Services, with authorization from the Juvenile Court. The visit was no longer protected, but free, after an assessment of the mother’s parenting skills, with the presence of an educator.

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