Italy 24 Press News

Messina, AOU G. Martino waiting lists: all patients recalled

The waiting list reduction plan defined in recent days by theAOU G. Martin of Messina. In 15 days They were called back 1000 patients For outpatient visits; approximately 15% of services that were to be performed in 2023.

The various operational units have made personnel dedicated to operations available re-call and every day we continue to call to dispose of the list of patients, about the85%, still to be recovered. For the radiological area, all patients with magnetic resonance imaging examinations have already been contacted CT scan of the 2023 and we are now proceeding with the 2024 list.

It is significant to highlight that, in this context, 216 people gave up on anticipating the exam and preferred to keep the previously set date, despite the opportunity to perform the test earlier. As regards the surgical part above 2312 interventions of 2023, 213 have already been hospitalized and of these 52 operated reducing waiting lists, 650 they gave up to the intervention And 1449 I am in programming For the operation.

We remind you that when carrying out recovery activities, the days that have passed since the date of insertion are taken into account waiting listof the clinical priority classes and, above all for surgical activities, of the services for which there is a high escape rate.

In the plan, which involves all specialties transversally, there have been expected additional slots both from Monday to the Friday, both on weekends. As established by the Health Department of the Sicilian Region, the staff of the medical management and the healthcare sector who adhere to the list reduction plan are working in extra-institutional activities with additional services reported separately.

“We have held multiple meetings involving the directors of the Departments – says the Rector Prof.ssa Giovanna Spatari – precisely to share the line to be adopted to reduce waiting times. It is clear that this is a complex issue, in which multiple variables come into play, but at the same time we are trying to plan activities that can change some ways of working to encourage a better overall organization”.

“We left fifteen days ago – said AOU manager Dr. Giorgio Giulio Santonocito – and we trust that these first results can be representative of a growing trend to quickly recover a large part of the services still to be provided in 2023. The issue of waiting lists is complex and we are also working to improve some internal organizational aspects that in the hospital setting they can encourage, especially in the surgical area, more streamlined processes to speed up hospitalization procedures and the execution of surgical operations”.

It is important to underline that the list reduction plan is aimed at recalling those who had already been booked In the 2023, and in the first 6 months of the 2024, and they have not yet received the benefit. The activity carried out in recent days allows us to review the lists as a whole, analyzing individual situations and freeing up some booking slots.

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