Italy 24 Press News

Where to practice free body training (Calistenics) in Piedmont? There are 58 stations, all mapped by an application

PIEDMONT – There is an application called Calisthenics parks which provides a map of all the stations where you can do calisthenics, i.e. free body training; 12 “spots” are available only in the central districts of Turin, but there are also several in the larger cities of Piedmont such as Cuneo, Alessandria, Novara, Biella.

What is calisthenics?

Calisthenics is a form of free body training which is mainly based on natural movements of your body using minimal equipment such as the classic barre. It is a concentration of strength and basic gymnastics movements that can be done anywhere: at home, at the park, in the gym and anywhere else. It is the primordial form of physical training”: this is the definition of Burningate, one of the historic companies in this sector, which is based in Turin in Piazza Chiaves Desiderato (Vanchiglietta district) and which has the Turin coach Umberto Miletto among its founders.

The application

Born in 2015, the application aims to register the equipped parks where you can train and is based on user reports. A bit like Tripadvisor or Happy cow (to search for vegan restaurants), those who use the portal can freely add a location on the platform, uploading a photo and adding the exact location. So be careful: the parks available on the map are not the only ones available, there may be calisthenics bars that are perfectly functional but never uploaded to the app. An example: the equipment in the Ghinzburg garden in Turin, on the Lungo Po in front of the Cappuccini.

The spots available in Piedmont

For now, 58 commercials have been recorded in Piedmont. Most are concentrated in the Turin area, but there are 6 also in the Cuneoof which 3 only in the city of Wedge. Another 3 have been mapped to Biella4 in Vco (although very distant from each other), 2 ad Alexandria4 more between Asti And Alexandria2 in the center of Novara1 year Vercelli. Being also available abroad, the map also makes available spots close to the border between France and Piedmont, as in the case of the bars in Molines-en-Queyras or those available in Valloire.

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