Italy 24 Press News

Spending on durable goods, the province of Catanzaro in the lead with 2,132 euros per family

The amount spent on durable goods in Calabria in 2023 amounts to 1 billion and 663 million, a figure that places it in 13th place in the ranking of Italian regions. According to what was found by the Findomestic (BNP Group) consumption observatory created in collaboration with Prometeia, the 6.1% increase compared to 2022 derives in particular from the greater spending of families on 2- and especially 4-seat vehicles wheels.

Disposable income per capita in the region increased by 5.1%, with an average of 16,192 euros. Calabria, however, remains last in the ranking for average family spending on durable goods (2,042 euros per household). The best data is obtained by the province of Catanzaro (2,132 euros per family), thus placing it in 82nd place among the 107 Italian provinces. The worst figure is that of Crotone: 1,687 euros spent per household (last place in the ranking).

Each Catanzaro family spent an average of 2,132 euros on durable goods in the last year (+7.9% compared to 2022), ranking first among the other provinces in the region. Record growth, according to the Findomestic Observatory, also for overall spending: with a +7.5% Catanzaro increased purchases of durable goods from 297 to 320 million euros. The mobility sector did well where the amount spent on new cars increased by 10 million over ’22 (from 61 to 71 million, +17%) and that of used cars reached 94 million with a +19%.

The motorcycle sector recorded the highest growth despite spending 9 million: +37.9% which makes Catanzaro the 5th Italian province for growth in the sector. Spending on household appliances (29 million in 2023, +1.6%), furniture (66 million, -1 on ’22 and -1.5%) and telephony (-1.1%) are stable. In the panorama of household goods, consumer electronics collapses (-29.9%, still below the regional average) and information technology drops by 8.5%.

“In Calabria – comments Claudio Bardazzi, head of the Findomestic Observatory – growth was around 16% for both new cars (327 million euros in total) and used ones (463 million) and 38.7% for motor vehicles, a figure that is decidedly higher than that of all the other regions and the national average (24.7%). However, both the levels of spending on furniture (-1.2%, 379 million euros) and telephony (-1%), as well as information technology (-8.7%) and consumer electronics (-30 ,2%). In the latter case there is the most negative trend among the Southern regions. As regards the provinces, the most virtuous in terms of durable goods were Catanzaro and Vibo Valentia which made a leap, respectively, of 7 .5% and 6.8%”.

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