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Benevento, Corsi and Vigorito are building the future

Work in progress. The Benevento of the future is being prepared and these are hot days for the Giallorossi. It’s the only holiday week for Marcello Carli (so to speak). Because from the little house near the sea the technical director, although flattered by the interest of his longtime friend Empoli Fabrizio Corsiis developing the programming for 2024/25 to be submitted to the president Vigorous. The Tuscan manager’s adventure in Sannio is still far from over. He chose to stay in the Giallorossi to finish the work he started 12 months ago. You still have two years left on your contract and the enthusiasm needed to plan the next championship C series, which in all likelihood will be even more competitive than the one that has just ended.

Many clubs will raise the bar further: from Catania who is courting the newly promoted coach Cesena Mimmo Toscano, atAvellinowhich apparently doesn’t want to know about downsizing despite an expensive year that culminated in a big disappointment, continuing with the Crotonewho hired Longo, coach of the surprising team Picernountil we get to Casertana, who started the re-foundation with the farewells of sporting director Degli Esposti and trainer Cangelosi. The Benevento has solid foundations from which to start again, and it is by leveraging those that it intends to rush towards the new season: from the young people ready to be part of the project (Viscardi, Talia, Perlingieri) to the seniors to be confirmed (just over ten), some returning from loans from evaluate and someone else expiring to decide whether to keep or not. It is conceivable that, for some time, the sliding doors will hold sway, but it will be a preparatory period for the formation of the group that will then be called upon to front the next championship.


First, however, we must know the fate of Gaetano Auteriwho he will meet on Monday Vigorous And Carli and in that context the discussion will arise to understand whether or not there are margins to continue together. Certainly, by not changing technical leadership, there would be the advantage of entrusting the team to a coach who already knows the strengths and weaknesses of the squad, who will certainly have clear ideas about who should stay and who shouldn’t. A coach who is nevertheless appreciated by the public, who has already won here and continues to enjoy a certain amount of credit in terms of approval. It is clear, however, that the club does not want to leave anything to chance and therefore prefers to make in-depth assessments on the opportunity to move forward with the Floridia coach. The final choice will not take too long, on the other hand the parts are already there shook hands at the Park Hotel Mancini, during the week of preparation for the post season, promising to meet after the play-offs to decide what to do.

Vigorito nourishes deep respect for Auteri and certainly appreciated his courage in throwing young people into the fray without any hesitation. At the same time, Auteri is a coach who offers opportunities for all players to demonstrate their value, but he is often intransigent regarding their functionality. Those that he does not consider suitable as characteristics for his game, it is difficult – if not impossible – for him to take into consideration. Benevento finds itself with 35 contracted and, from what emerges, Auteri would be willing to save, from his point of view, no more than fifteen. On this we must find convergence with society, which certainly cannot get rid of 20 footballers in the blink of an eye.

Among the footballers in expiration to June 30th, another that risks not being confirmed is Newfoundland, who signed an option for 2024/25 last September which the management, according to the latest news, has no intention of exercising. The club will be forced to make a choice between the 37-year-old Sicilian former Reggina, Frosinone And SassuoloAnd Meccariello. Since the second still has two years of agreement with the club Giallorossi, should be placed before his teammate. In the end Masciangelowhich was expiring, has now signed a three-year contract with the Citadel.


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