Italy 24 Press News

Boom in tourists in Abruzzo, numbers like this have never been seen, and it’s just the beginning

Boom in tourists in Abruzzo: the variety of places offers multiple possibilities of attraction for all sorts of holidays.

Abruzzo confirms itself as one of the favorite destinations for tourists in 2023, recording record numbers which testify to the growing attractiveness of the region. With over 1.7 million arrivals and 6.5 million presences in accommodation establishments, an extremely positive picture emerges for the Abruzzo tourism sector.

The reasons for success

Sustained growth over time. The data from the report “Tourism trends in Italy: first evidence for 2023”, processed by Istat and the Ministry of Tourism and reworked by Ansa, indicate a significant increase in arrivals in Abruzzo of 8.3% compared to 2022 and attendance by 2.2%. These numbers not only exceed the performances of the previous year but also mark an important recovery compared to the pre-pandemic period with an increase in arrivals of 5.5% and attendance of 5.7% compared to 2019.

Abruzzo is a truly fascinating area – Photo |

Preference for non-hotel establishments. Although hotel establishments remain a predominant choice for visitors with 65.2% of the total preferences in the Abruzzo hospitality sector over the last year, it is interesting to note how interest in non-hotel businesses has grown. In fact, the latter saw an increase in arrivals of +13.9% and in presences of +6.2%, compared to a slight decrease of 0.2% in hotel presences.

A National Phenomenon. The tourist phenomenon does not only concern Abruzzo but is part of a national context where the North-East of Italy confirms itself as the most visited area with 39.2% of the total national presences. The Center follows with 24%, while Abruzzo is positioned as an emerging destination that attracts more and more interest both nationally and internationally.

Visitor profile. The majority of tourists who have chosen Abruzzo for their holidays come from Italy (85.6%), demonstrating how the region is particularly appreciated by national residents. However, there was also a good percentage of international visitors (14.4%), a sign of the growing attractiveness of the region even beyond the Italian borders.

There are many tourists who choose to visit Abruzzo – Photo |

Towards new tourist horizons. These data not only confirm Abruzzo as a privileged destination within the Italian tourism scenario but open new perspectives for the future development of the region in this respect. The increased interest in non-hotel establishments suggests a diversification in tourist demand which could lead to the valorisation of new forms of hospitality and the discovery of lesser-known but equally fascinating corners of the region.

In conclusion, the numbers recorded speak clearly: Abruzzo is experiencing a real tourism boom which promises further growth and evolution in the sector in the coming years.

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