Italy 24 Press News

Municipal Potenza: center-right confident of victory in the first round, the left convinced of the run-off

The League is convinced of winning in the first round: “The polls also show the trust of the people of Potenza towards our coalition. We are the only reliable proposal, because while the others talk about politics, we talk about Potenza” states the centre-right mayoral candidate for the Municipality of Potenza, Francesco Fanelli. Lawyer, 43 years old, he was vice-president of the regional council of Basilicata, councilor first for Agriculture and then for Health. He is supported by seven lists: Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Lega, Noi Moderati, Potenza civica-Fanelli mayor, Insieme per Potenza-Amiamo Potenza, Orgoglio Lucano, counting on the support of the local exponents of Action and Italia viva.

Potenza is among the six regional capitals where voting will take place on 8 and 9 June. There are five mayoral candidates, three from the centre-left, which appears divided. The particular controversy over the choice of the single candidate for the presidency of the Region in the recent regional elections, where he was defeated, weighs heavily.

The three aspiring mayors are confident in a split vote to reach the run-off. As in 2019, when the outgoing Northern League member Mario Guarente did not exceed 50 percent of the preferences, clashing in the second round with the university professor Valerio Tramutoli, of La Basilicata Possible, who lost by just two hundred votes. Today La Basilicata Possible tries again, fielding Francesco Giuzio, 36 years old: sports manager with a past in associations for the reception of migrants, and outgoing city councilor.

“I am convinced that even the split vote will allow us to easily reach the run-off, given that one party will be the centre-right, the question is to understand who the other will be – he claims – We have tried in every way to present ourselves with the same broad and progressive of the regional ones, but the parties, Pd and M5s, have never proposed someone to represent them, positioning themselves in the various civic alignments, which are not civic, since the candidates on the lists have roles in the parties which, in fact , they gave up on revealing themselves. In these anomalous municipal elections, for the first time in a regional capital the Democratic Party does not participate with its own symbol”.

The possible Basilicata therefore presents itself “in discontinuity and as an alternative both to the right and to the five years of Guarente and to this way of doing politics that has put the entire center-left in a plaster. The objective is to reach the first position also useful in the runoff. We are not outsiders. We did not want to come to terms with those who do not have a precise identity and position, out of respect for the 16 thousand voters who almost handed over the city government to us in the 2019 ballot and therefore underselling the work done in these five years”.

A small jab at his opponent Pierluigi Smaldone, lawyer, 36 years old, founder of Potenza returning, outgoing city councilor, elected in 2019 with a list linked precisely to La Basilicata Possible. He has the support of three lists: Potenza Ritorna, M5s and Città nuova. “There have been political paths on my part aimed at finding a uniqueness with those who constituted the opposition to Guarente – explains Smaldone – Following the long council work in October we began a very participatory path to open a debate on the city, sensing a heartfelt need for participation. From there, an innovative idea of ​​a political proposal for the city took shape, with the drafting of a participatory program, the result of weekly meetings aimed at analyzing Potenza’s critical issues and finding solutions. Given the complexity of the city and the many years of bad administration, we believe that only a solid, structured and participatory project can represent a turning point. We tried to dialogue with everyone, then everyone made their own choices, which in a democracy are all right. The word is up to the voters. We are not anti-politics – he specifies – we do politics every day with rallies in the neighbourhoods, meeting companies, associations, doing what politics no longer does. Ours is a civic coalition and I don’t like the idea of ​​defining this first round as the center-left primary, I find it disrespectful towards the voters, almost an invitation not to vote. This does not mean that there will not be convergences and common work.”

Contending for the tricolor sash in the centre-left is Vincenzo Telesca: 49 years old, lawyer. Outgoing councilor and in opposition since 2014 – first with the De Luca administration and then with Guarente, both centre-right – despite having the support of part of the Democratic Party (some have publicly sided with Smaldone), he will compete without a symbol dem. The lists supporting him are all civic: Let’s unite for Potenza-Telesca mayor, The Power of Citizens-Democratic Power; Together for Potenza, Potenza prima, Basilicata common house, born in view of the regional elections of 21 and 22 April, headed by the entrepreneur Angelo Chiorazzo, elected regional councilor.

“I asked those who support me to do so unconditionally and without party symbols, also renouncing those forces that did not accept this condition – explains Telesca – I didn’t do it because I’m ashamed of those who support me or because I have old and new friends to hide”, responding to his closeness to the former governor and dem deputy, Vito De Filippo. “In first place for me, right now – he continues – there is a community to revive and nothing else. At a crucial moment for our city, it is essential to reflect on the choices that have led us to the current situation and on the paths to take to guarantee a better future. In recent years, under the leadership of the Northern League and mayor Mario Guarente, Potenza has seen a worrying decline, with management that has brought the city further and further down. Now, with his partner Fanelli, we risk seeing the disastrous scenario of Lucanian healthcare replicated, reduced to default with millionaire deficits. It is clear that Potenza needs a clear discontinuity with the current government.”

Accusations that Fanelli sends back to the sender: “Exploiting the health of Lucanians to campaign – he says – is only the latest means to cover up the divisions of a losing left. Luckily we are not clinging to a failed past. We are the ones with the gas bonus, the water bonus. Those who allowed Lucanian citizens to have real relief from compensation and royalties. These measures have been strengthened to continue to give Lucanian families concrete help. The result of thirty years of center-leftism is plain for all to see. An unprecedented disaster and the two disasters caused in the city bear witness to this. The people of Potenza don’t want to go back. Let’s move forward with strength and determination. The truth is that others continue to hide behind civility and foment personalism while we have a clear vision and a united coalition and this can only be good for the city in terms of governability and reliability. A united, compact and competent team is an added value.”

The only woman in the race is Maria Grazia Marino, from Forza del Popolo. A 51-year-old lawyer, she believes that “Potenza needs a far-sighted policy for both young people and workers, even those who are no longer young. This city, for a long time, has suffered the effects of clientelism and these effects, unfortunately, have led to the depopulation of the most brilliant minds who were trained in Basilicata but did not find a job opportunity here because they did not want to injure themselves to this system. So, we lost them. The foresight lies in the fact that by changing this system, even with sacrifice because this choice involves sacrifice on the part of the entire citizenry, we can bring these brilliant minds back here and we can recreate an industry, a society capable of moving forward a strong and lasting economy”.

As for the programs, at the Bucaletto center – (Giuzio, who closed the electoral campaign in the suburban district, will ask for the appointment of an ad acta commissioner), the environment, young people (Fanelli will establish an ad hoc department), participation (Smaldone from mayor will meet the citizens once a week), social inclusion (Telesca will establish a municipal solidarity fund), transport, the role of the San Carlo hospital, tourism, the university, the historic centre.

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