Italy 24 Press News

Antonia Palazzi Tosana and that political passion that blossomed following the failed vote on 2 June 1946

Antonia Palazzi Tosana on June 2, 1946 he was 20 years old. She was one year away from being of age and thus being able to enter the polling station and vote for the first time in Italy after the Liberation. A right that was also recognized for the first time to women. A “failed act” that, perhaps, who knows, she allowed her to do grow that passion for politics which, even today, at almost 98 years old (it is celebrated on July 2nd) has not abandoned it. On the contrary.

Relay partisan, always involved in social issues, first as an honorary judge at the Juvenile Court and then in the territory of Nave, where he lived for years, considers the voting on Saturday and Sunday particularly important. «These are votes that involve not only Italian issues – she says into the microphone of Laura Bergami who met her –, but of all the countries of Europe».

When asked what she would like to receive as a gift for her birthday, Antonia does not hesitate: «I would like that everyone went to vote because it is a right, but also a duty. And so, he launches an appeal to young people. Politics is also a means of developing one’s own maturity and personality.”

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