Italy 24 Press News

Russia, Putin: “Easier victory with nuclear weapons but we won’t use them” – SulPanaro

(Adnkronos) – Russia will win the war in Ukraine without using nuclear weapons. Vladimir Putin gives, as usual, a kick at the rim and one at the barrel on nuclear power. He excludes the use of warheads at this time but not changing, sooner or later, the doctrine that regulates it. “Weapons of this type are used in exceptional cases, at the moment there is no such situation. I agree, the use of nuclear weapons could accelerate the achievement of Russia’s goals, but the health of our army at the front is more important”, says the Russian president in his speech at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. “The use is possible in an exceptional case, of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. I don’t think we are at this point. There is no such need. As for the use, or non-use , of nuclear weapons, we have a nuclear doctrine that explains everything”, he reiterates. “But this doctrine is a vital tool. We are seeing what happens in the world around us and we do not rule out making some changes. This also applies to nuclear weapons tests”, adds Putin who only two days ago, in an interview with international news agencies, had instead hinted that it would be possible to use nuclear power (“for some reason, the West believes that Russia will never use them”). “We leave nothing unexplored. We look at all scenarios in the special military operation” against Ukraine, Putin then underlines, responding to the observation of the moderator of the plenary session of the Forum, Sergei Karaganov: “At a certain point Russia will have to start hurrying.” “So please do not ignore the arguments of me and my colleagues”, adds Karaganov, former Kremlin advisor, political scientist, advocate among other things of preventive limited nuclear strikes against Europe to restore nuclear deterrence and bring war in Ukraine to a favorable conclusion. “Thank you for his recommendations,” says the president. Putin has raised the possibility of supplying weapons to countries that could hit targets attributable to NATO countries. “We are not yet supplying “weapons” but we reserve the right to do so to those countries or certain structures under pressure from countries supplying arms to Ukraine and pushing to use them against us and against Russian territory,” the formula used by the Kremlin leader. “If” Western countries “deliver weapons to a war zone and urge the use of weapons, why should we not have the right to respond in a mirror manner? I am not ready to say that we will do it tomorrow, because such supply is associated to a number of circumstances that may impact certain regions of the world and, obviously, we need to think about that.” “All armed conflicts end with certain peace agreements,” Putin says, adding that Russia “must aim for conditions that are in line with our interests and considered reliable.” According to the Russian president, it is Western countries “that continually deceive us: they say one thing and do another”. —internazionale/[email protected] (Web Info)

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