Italy 24 Press News

Drug dealing square in the popular neighborhoods of Aprilia: two arrests and one reported

The policemen of the Cisterna di Latina police station and the staff of the Aprilia Carabinieri Territorial Department arrested two individuals this morning, both with multiple criminal convictions and reported a third, for possession and dealing of narcotic substances.

The activity was born from various reports that had highlighted a possible drug dealing place, managed in a building located in one of the popular neighborhoods of the city.

The investigations revealed thatinside the reported apartment, some individuals had illegally settled in, locking themselves inside with a grate placed to protect the entrance door and installing a series of cameras to record both the entrance to the apartment and the nearby street of the entrance to the building, so as to be able to control access.

During the activities and in confirmation of the criminal hypotheses, in addition to the stakeouts and observation services, also the seizure carried out by the police station agents against a buyer, who, having heard from the investigators, had confirmed that he had gone to that building several times to the purchase of the narcotic.

The continuous observation services then allowed the staff to identify some of the subjects presumably involved in the management of the drug dealing activity.

This morning, on the joint delegation of the AG, the Police and Carabinieri, with the help of a dog unit from the State Police, carried out local and personal searches at the place where the drug dealing activity was allegedly managed.

The activity, made particularly difficult by the barrier with iron grates set up to protect against unwanted entry, gave a positive outcome. In fact, 0.7 grams of a narcotic substance of the crack-cocaine type were found on one of the subjects searched, a lookout post outside the building.

The search of the apartment instead made it possible to find, in addition to a mobile phone and a complex video surveillance system consisting of 8 cameras, cash for a total of 7,695 euros in banknotes of various denominations, which had been hidden under a mattress and various types of material, presumably used for drug packaging, including a precision scale and numerous sachets.

The staff also found 102 grams of narcotic substance of the crack-cocaine type and 31.5 grams of Hashish.

As a result of the activity, two subjects were arrested for drug trafficking and a third was reported to the judicial authorities.

Once the ritual operations were completed, those arrested were taken to prison at the disposal of the AG

Please note that, as the proceedings are in the preliminary investigation phase, the presumption of innocence applies to all suspects.

Following the activity, the apartment, which was illegally occupied, was returned to the heritage valorization and housing policies department of the capital city of Rome for the procedures for regular reassignment of the property.

The activity received applause from local residents, who thanked the staff who attended for the brilliant operation.

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