Italy 24 Press News

Novara: the students of Thouar pass the baton of “guardians of the Boroli Park”

Among the hundreds of parks in the city there is one that can count on a host of “special custodians”: it is the Boroli park, in via Redi, the subject of an urban regeneration operation in 2019 thanks to the De Agostini Foundation and to a consortium of associations.

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The custodians of Boroli Park

The students of the Thouar primary school have been taking care of the Boroli Park in Sant’Andrea for some years, under the guidance of the teachers, as part of the educational continuity project “Environmental education – Active citizenship” in the “Green square for Sant’Andrea” , managed in collaboration by the Montalcini Institute, Pro Natura, Comunità Sant’Egidio, Municipality of Novara and Assa.

The handover

A project that has made continuity one of its strong points, so much so that this year too the students found themselves in “their” park for a significant moment: on Thursday 30 May the IVA, IVB and VA classes were the protagonists of the “handover” of the precious task of “Park Keepers”, symbolically represented by a badge, passed from the fifth graders to their fourth grade colleagues, accompanied by the commitment to continue taking care of the area.

For the occasion, the students also illustrated the fruits of the observation and vigilance work carried out in the garden during the school year: from the change of seasons to the state of the vegetation, through to the disappointment of seeing the mimosa planted a few years earlier uprooted by the fury of bad weather.

And without neglecting the still too frequent episodes of incivility, reported each time to Assa, who was always ready. “We treasure your information, we take it into account to organize maintenance” he assured Riccardo Basilepresent on behalf of the environmental services company.

Pro Natura Novara

The president of Pro Natura Novara is satisfied Anna Dènes who emphasized the unity of the process and the multiple implications: “It’s nice to see the initiative continue with everyone’s collaboration. This park is a special classroom in which to study natural sciences and civic education and practice active citizenship. It also teaches us how much caring for a common good requires resilience: in the face of acts of incivility, bad weather and climate change. Today there were those who handed over the badge but all of you remain custodians of this park which I am sure will remain imprinted in your heart”.

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