Italy 24 Press News

Breast cancer, 40 special models parade in Treviso for “La Forza in Catwalk” | Today Treviso | News

TREVISO – The magic of a dress goes beyond the fabric and stitching. It can transform a moment, an experience and, above all, a woman’s state of mind. The traders of Confcommercio Treviso who have made themselves available are aware of this 40 special models, aged 28 to 73lending their clothes in the shop window and the professional skills of hair stylists and make up artists, for the 6th edition of “La Forza in Catwalk”. A special day that celebrates the resilience and femininity of women who have faced, or are still facing, the oncological journey, in particular breast cancer, which will be held on Sunday 9 June, at 6.30 pm, at the Santa Caterina auditorium in Treviso.

Not a simple glamorous event but a “therapeutic” fashion show that allows women to experience a moment of normality, away from clinics and medical treatments and to show their rediscovered beauty to relatives, friends and the entire community.
The initiative, organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Treviso and the Civic Museums of Treviso on the occasion of the “Donna in Scena. Boldini, Selvatico Martini” exhibition, aims to enhance and support women in various areas of their lives. “La Forza in Catwalk”, born in 2020 during the pandemic from an idea by Michela Bardi and supported by Matteo Geretto, of the Monastier Hospital, has become a symbol of hope and rebirth. Each edition involves women who have lived the oncological experience, demonstrating that femininity can flourish even in the most difficult moments.

“This fashion show aims to be a moment of community, in support of all those women who, with great courage, face a delicate moment in their lives, also telling it through an event linked to an apparently external dimension – the words ofthe mayor of Treviso Mario Conte – We are happy that this initiative, for which I thank Ascom Confcommercio Treviso and the traders, saw the collaboration of our Civic Museums. The Donna in Scena exhibition, hosted at the Santa Caterina Museum, goes precisely in the direction of affirming a female beauty that goes beyond external aspects and touches on more intimate and introspective perspectives”.

It will therefore be a special occasion for the city of Treviso. Another one given that the 2nd edition had already taken place in the city, in Piazzale Burchiellati, in July 2021. Seven traders from Treviso, G Vintage, Berto’s, Genty Camicie, Altromercato, Mooni, Ghungroo and Niki, coordinated by Stylist Doris Feltrin, on Sunday will make their clothes and accessories available, tailor-made for the models, and will offer their make-up and hairstyling services. This collective commitment not only highlights the solidarity of Confcommercio Treviso, but allows us to launch a strong prevention message.

“When we show, we are not just wearing a dress; we are sharing our story and offering support and inspiration to all other women who are going through the same journey. It’s a way to communicate to them that they don’t have to close in on themselves, that they are not alone and that, even in the darkest moments, there is always a light”, she says. president Michela Bardi. “I am also one of the models who had breast cancer. When we step on that runway, we feel strong and capable of facing any challenge, because we are together.”

“A demonstration of resilience and beauty that also aims to be a message to raise awareness of the importance of prevention – he comments Matteo Geretto of the “Giovanni XXIII” nursing home which has supported the project since its inception. – These women are the living symbol of the fact that it is possible to overcome the disease and regain joy and self-esteem, but that it is also important to think about prevention. Diagnosing breast cancer at an early stage can make a difference, and events like this help spread this crucial message, encouraging women to take care of their health and get checked out.”

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