Italy 24 Press News

7.7 million cut in three years

L’AQUILA – “The chasm that has opened in the accounts of the Abruzzo local health authorities – 122 million in liabilities at the end of 2023 – has forced the regional council to make a hasty budget change, which is now followed by a drastic weight-loss diet for all the departments of the Abruzzo Region. The request to each of the 8 structures is to cut 2.7 million for the current year, 2.5 million for 2025 and the same amount for 2026. A horse-drawn care that the regional budget department requests by underlining “the peculiarity of the financial situation that has only recently emerged” and trusting “in maximum availability” since alternatively “we will only be able to proceed by identifying more incisive directions”. Translation: if you don’t cut now, you will have to reduce further down the line.” declared the Honourable Luciano D’Alfonso.

The singular thing is that both the budget councilor Mario Quaglieri and his health colleague Nicoletta Verì are the same as the last legislature: it is during their five-year mandate that the debt chasm occurred and it is always with them that the news is emerged “only recently” (coincidentally, after the regional elections). One of two things: either they are very distracted, or they are accomplices; in both cases, they should draw the consequences.

Fortunately, in these European and municipal elections the necklace, bracelet and bribe factory did not start, since the several million in resurgent debt do not allow the electoral corruption that the Abruzzo people suffered during the recent regional consultations. I am convinced that the blind donations decided at night especially in the corridors of the mercantile region in all directions will know new life as zombies over the next few weeks thanks to the need for reinterpretation of the responsible bodies. But the 122 million actually hide many more, around 200, and the risk of being placed under commissionership does not only concern healthcare but the entire Abruzzo region, since the damage is structural, just as the vocation of this centre-right to do damage is structural from easy clientelistic deliberation. Three questions arise spontaneously:

1) what will happen to the tens of millions of necklaces, bracelets and bribes given to win the regional elections?

2) Will they become bad checks?

3) Could it be electoral corruption? I need to define this conduct with a criminal procedure institution. Naturally, it is not excluded that we organize a conference on the topic to address the accuracy of this infectious case.

Cuts to healthcare in Abruzzo, Paolucci’s bitterness: “The citizens will pay”

PESCARA – “During the entire last legislature, Abruzzo’s healthcare was marked Marsilio And True it produced less performance, more passive mobility and more debt. Having used all available resources, an urgent regional law had to be resorted to to find 53.9 million, spreading them over the mandatory provisions foreseen for the years 2024/2025/2026. Funds that the note from the Budget Councilor Quaglieri he invites the regional Departments to restore immediately and to do so the various councilors have been asked to urgently proceed with massive cuts in their chapters. Thus, the cuts in the Region’s budget, -18.9 million in 2024, 17.5 in 2025 and 17.5 in 2026, will be added to those in the health sector with the recovery plans that the 4 local health authorities will have to prepare in the next two weeks. , due to the deficit that is already accumulating in 2024. In the meantime, the councilors have been reconfirmed and the managers and administrators responsible for the deficits of the four local health authorities, something that has never happened before, have all remained in their positions, despite the law they should have already lapsed due to the deficit”: the stance of the PD group leader is tough Silvio Paolucci on the healthcare situation of the Marsilio era.

“It is sad that those who pay for the inefficiency of this management will have to be the people of Abruzzo who are already forced to migrate out of the region, or to turn to the private sector, or give up treatment and who will lose even more treatments, benefits and services without receiving any investment in return – concludes Paolucci – . Yet the regional government at the time of preparing the 2024 budget and as we have repeatedly denounced, already knew about the chaos because there were communications between the two sectors of health and budget, but it did nothing to avoid it. It also remains to be known how the health plan just presented with so many flaws will be implemented, how development will be produced and, also, how other sectors in difficulty and in need of support, agriculture first and foremost, will be able to have them if health care is today the real black hole of Marsilio bis”.


Abruzzo ASL Abruzzo region

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