Italy 24 Press News

Casoria – Bene closes the electoral campaign with a popular celebration: “We will win with a smile and all together. We will continue to build a better Casoria for our children”

In a Municipal Villa full of families and citizens on Thursday evening the candidate for mayor and current mayor of Casoria Raffaele Bene he ended his election campaign. What it brought was a busy but content-driven month Well on the stage in the green area of Street Pius XIIwhere the singer also performed on the sidelines of the final rally Monica Sarnelli.

“I and the entire coalition have faced this electoral campaign exactly as we did during our mandate, that is, continuing to work as administrators with our heads down and in silence for our City. When you work for the common good, putting the development of Casoria to personal interests or political struggles, there is no need to raise the tone or give slogans to the citizens. From this point of view it was an electoral campaign where we discussed issues and how we imagine the future of Casoria”.

“In this first mandate, in the face of great difficulties, we have achieved results never obtained in the past such as the approval of the Puc or the recovery of the accounts after the bankruptcy, as demonstrated by the 6 million surplus with which we closed the final balance sheet. We have strengthened the social services sector and handed over to the City the assets taken away from crime. Of course, in various aspects we could have done more and better, but I trust in the path undertaken together with the parties to give further impetus to Casoria and continue to build a better future for our children. If today we present ourselves, unlike 5 years ago, with a political coalition, it is a sign that we all believe in the city’s relaunch project that we have launched in this mandate. We will win as we know how: together and with a smile.” has concluded Well.

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