Italy 24 Press News

PD Emilia Romagna: “The general practitioner for the homeless? A victory for social justice”

The Emilia Romagna Democratic Party believes that the institution of a general practitioner for the homeless is an act of social justice. “The fight to guarantee the right to health for homeless people is reaching a significant milestone with the passage in the Chamber of the Bill to establish a general practitioner for the homeless – explains the Emilia Romagna Democratic Party in a note -.Antonio Mumolo, president of the Street Lawyer Association and regional councilor of Emilia-Romagna has dedicated years to achieving this important goal.”

“I started by presenting a bill in the Emilia-Romagna region – underlines Mumolo – . This law was passed and has started to produce results. Other regions followed suitsome have already passed a similar law, while others are still completing the legislative process.”

The collaboration between institutions and associations was fundamental in this process. Mumolo collaborated with the Honorable Marco Furfaro to present a bill to Parliament, which now seems to enjoy unanimous consensus. “I hope that approval occurs quickly” – adds Mumolo.

“The Honorable Furfaro has announced that next week there will be a crucial parliamentary passage. Parliament will vote on the Bill first signed by Furfaro, which provides for the establishment of a general practitioner for homeless people. After the unanimous approval of the amendments in the social affairs commission, only the last step is missing for the approval of this measure of civilization” – we read in the press release.

“This journey has been long, but essential to restore dignity to tens of thousands of homeless people. This measurement represents a tangible sign of how the State can take care of marginalized people and restore hope to those who need it most. All this would not have been possible without the help of associations such as Avvocato di Strada and without figures such as its president Antonio Mumolo, who promoted this important legislative initiative starting from the Emilia-Romagna Region and also supporting the proposal at a national level, yes reads in a press statement by the Honorable Furfaro – concludes the note -.The recognition of the general practitioner for homeless people it is not only an act of justice, but represents a significant step towards the extension of public health and creation of a more inclusive and supportive society”.


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