Italy 24 Press News

Serie B – Virtus Roma rises, Loreto Pesaro still has a chance

A packed PalaMegabox is not enough to extend the series. In this game 2 of the playoff finals, coach Foglietti’s boys were unable, despite a very high level performance, to equalize the score against the Giallorossi and bring everything back to the capital for game 3. Sorry, obviously, especially for not having given yet another joy of a season, sensational to say the least, to all the yellow and blue fans. And now? Calm. The first match point to access the National Serie B was failed but everything is still open. Italservice in fact has a second life, a second chance. Everything will be at stake in the play-off against the loser of the Conference South, currently in game 3: Orlandina-Ragusa.

FIRST HALF – Noise, confusion, passion, cheering. The first half opens to the rhythm of a themed PalaMegabox to push Rossini’s roster right from the start. Despite a good start from coach Foglietti’s boys, Italservice suffered 12 rebounds from their opponents. In fact, the first 10-minute stint goes to Virtus Roma who manages to take a 4-point gap: 18-14. In the second quarter the yellow and blues tried to give a boost through the personal actions, both insertion and rebounding, of Tognacci and Martinez but were unable to shorten the score. Thanks to an attentive defense by Virtus Roma, the score was 24-31 at halftime.

SECOND HALF – The long rest served as an emotional boost for Loreto who found the reaction they were looking for. The usual Martinez conquers trips to the line by suffering important fouls and leading to Fokou’s fourth error, Maruca invents spaces in the penetrations, Cipriani signs the overtaking. Then an unexpected decline, with Virtus Roma holding on to Whelan, Rocchi and Valentini and recovering the score at the last minute by closing the third quarter ahead 46-45. In the last 10 minutes, which opened with triples from Martinez and Battisti, emotions followed one another. PalaMegabox pushes, Italservice responds presently and tries, Roma resists and counterattacks. Not enough heart is enough for coach Foglietti’s roster that at the sound of the siren he has to surrender. Virtus Roma wins game 2 71-67 and secures the pass for the category leap. IT’S NOT OVER – Now two or three more matches await us, two or three more finals. While waiting to find out who we will meet between Orlandino and Ragusa, the dates have already been set. Game 1 of the play-off is set for 12 June away, game 2 for 16 June at the PalaMegabox, while any game 3 will also be away on 19 June. The National Serie B is up for grabs. Italservice Loreto is here and still very hungry!


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