Italy 24 Press News

Welfare, the mayoral candidates of Fano sign a historic document for the well-being of citizens

Fano, 7 June 2024 – The mayoral candidates, Cristian Fanesi (centre-left), Stefano Marchegiani (Progressives for Fano 2050) e Luca Serfilippi (centre-right) signed on the proposal of Acli and other third sector associations “un historical agreement to invest in welfare and the well-being of citizens”. The document, entitled “Declarations of commitments for social cohesion and rights. Welfare, quality of life and promotion of well-being”, was signed in the meeting on welfare promoted a few days ago with the aspiring mayors.

“An unprecedented gesture – comment the promoters of the initiative – because, overcoming political barriers, the candidates have committed to strengthening social policies, improving services and promoting sustainable and inclusive development. A strong signal of unity and collaboration to build a better future for all the people of Fano”.

“The initiative – they continue Acli and the associations of Third sector – testifies to the desire to overcome political divisions and work together for the common good. The candidates have committed to implementing concrete actions to strengthen social ties, improve personal services and promote sustainable and inclusive development”.

It’s still: The declaration of commitments represents an important step forward towards a more participatory and transparent policy, in which local institutions, the world of associations, the third sector and citizens are active protagonists of change”.

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