Italy 24 Press News

Verona Piano Festival, great success for the preview

It debuted last night, June 6, with a preview in the courtyard of Castelvecchio, La twelfth edition of the Verona Piano Festivalpromoted by the Liszt Musical Association 2011.

Thunderous applause and great enthusiasm welcomed the first ensemble to star in the 2024 edition of the programme, more than doubled this year, which boasts the prestigious collaboration with the Civic Museums of Verona.

Verona Piano Festival, great success for the preview

For the preview of the Verona Piano Festival the University of Alabama at Birminghman Choirone of the most popular American university choirs, which stopped on the banks of the Adige, directed by Brian Kittredge and accompanied on the piano by Fred Song, with “Music for choirs from contemporary America”.

A program of pieces composed by American authors, from René Clausen to Michael John Trotta, of which Dies Irae and Lux ​​Aeterna from his acclaimed Requiem were presented.

To open the first appointment of the event, hosted by the most beautiful villas and palaces of Verona and its province, one visit to the courtyard of Castelvecchio edited by Gianni Lollis.

The next appointment

A cultural accompaniment with the director of the Fine Arts Society who will return Tuesday 11 Juneon the occasion of the great inaugural event of the Verona Piano Festival: “Kreutzer Passion, from Beethoven to Tolstoy”, an evening, again in Castelvecchio, which will combine literature (Tolstoy’s most scandalous and shocking story) with the immortal music of Beethoven performed from Davide Alogna on violin and Roberto Pegoraro on piano, passing through the theatrical adaptation by Andrea de Manincor.

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