Italy 24 Press News

Europeans, Tajani: «The EU Conservatives are reliable allies, the Greens are not». Weapons in Kiev? «Italy will supply a new Samp-T battery» – The interview

When Silvio Berlusconi died on 12 June a year ago at the San Raffaele hospital, few believed that his political creature would survive. Forza Italia’s coffers were burdened with almost 100 million euros of debt and it was not yet clear whether the Cavaliere’s heirs would continue to provide the financial guarantees to move forward. To the surprise of many, Berlusconi’s children – primarily Marina – decided to keep their father’s party alive which, last January 26, celebrated 30 years since its foundation. They entrusted themselves to the leadership of Antonio Tajani: the deputy prime minister and foreign minister first held the role of regent, then was anointed secretary by the congress.

In the meantime, Forza Italia has rewritten its statute, begun a renewal of the ruling class, giving space to young people, and was successful in several electoral events. In the territories, the overtaking of the League has created many internal problems for Matteo Salvini. Tajani also saw the entry of many local administrators from other parties. Now, on the eve of the European elections, the Italian secretary is ready to compete in the first round which involves all Italian voters. Interviewed by Open, addresses the topic of possible majorities in the European Parliament: «Marine Le Pen? We cannot be with those who are against Europe.” «The Conservatives are reliable allies, the Greens are not because they border on fundamentalism».

Only a year ago, after Berlusconi’s death, many would have bet on the end of Forza Italia, also for reasons of the party’s economic sustainability. Now, with surveys in hand, you are even aiming to overtake the League. What is the key to the rebirth of Forza Italia?

«It seemed impossible, but we at Forza Italia know what the strengths of our movement are: first of all the vision of the founder, Silvio Berlusconi, who positioned the party politically, created a ruling class and a structure that was able to consolidate and survive even after his passing. Another element: the strong presence of Forza Italia in the territories. We have the direct leadership of five regions, we have hundreds of regional councilors, mayors, city councilors, that is, a class that is in continuous contact with citizens, with the problems of our communities. Again: in this phase of profound confusion, Forza Italia has been able to interpret the aspirations of moderate voters, who ask for concrete political choices, who have had enough of magicians and political clowns.”

On his account Do you agree with the president’s phrase about the “consecration of the EU’s sovereignty”?

«I defended the President of the Republic because it was wrong and inappropriate to even ask for his resignation, and then on June 2nd. And I certainly fully agree with his speech on sovereignty: Italian sovereignty remains strong, and is enriched and broadened by European sovereignty. We are Italian and European together, and this saves us in an increasingly competitive world.”

According to polls, Le Pen’s party could be the most voted in Europe on 8 and 9 June. As vice-president of the EPP, will he in any case maintain the veto to form a majority that includes the Rassemblement National?

«We’ll see if it will be the most voted. But what interests me are their positions: have they abandoned the idea of ​​putting NATO in the freezer? Have they given up on rowing against the European Union, choosing to continually criticize the path of our unity? Have they abandoned the generally xenophobic tones that that group has displayed for years? We cannot make alliances in Europe with those who are against Europe.”

What do you think of the resistance of part of the EPP to dealing with ECR?

«The Conservatives were one of the political groups, together with the People’s Party and the Liberals, which in 2017 decided my election as President of the European Parliament. The diversity of national positions in the EPP means that some may be perplexed about their political positions, but I believe they are a reliable ally in Europe.”

Another possible majority could include the Greens who collaborated on many issues in the last legislature, but relations with the EPP and in particular with the CDU/CSU are terrible. What do you think?

«The Greens are not the ideal ally, their positions often border on fundamentalism. Difficultly manageable.”

Do you think it is necessary or possible to change the rules of the new European stability pact?

«I think we will have to discuss it again, I will postpone the examination to the next few months, it will be a central theme in the formation of the new Commission».

Speaking of his work at the Farnesina, the military escalation in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict does not stop: the possibilities of the use of Western weapons to strike Moscow’s territory are increasing. Do you believe that Italian weapons should not be used for that purpose? And how can it be avoided?

«At the moment there is no real escalation: there is incessant and ruthless Russian military action, which for months has been targeting the cities and not the military structures of Ukraine. The debate on the use of Western weapons on Russian territory is aimed precisely at this, at avoiding an escalation. But Italy cannot allow Ukraine to collapse, and for this reason we have decided to provide a new Samp-T air defense battery, a tool to defend cities.”

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