Italy 24 Press News

“Building the future of Avellino with foresight”

Christopher Russo, candidate for local elections on the Brothers of Italy list, what do you think of his electoral campaign experience?
We have reached the end of this intense electoral campaign. They were days of great commitment and dedication, during which I had the opportunity to meet with many people, listen to their concerns and share hopes for the future of Avellino.

My candidacy on the Fratelli d’Italia list, with Modestino Maria Iandoli as mayor, was motivated by the profound desire to contribute to the improvement of the city, both as a provincial capital and as a place of culture, especially for 14-year-olds who choose high schools. I firmly believe that a new face, like that of Modestino and our list, can create the conditions for real change.

As a young man with a clean face and new ideas, I am ready to build the future and look ahead with foresight. My passion for sport, my work as a mental coach and football referee, and my training in Exercise and Sports Sciences have taught me the value of determination, discipline and teamwork. My commitment is aimed at promoting a provincial capital based on inclusion and participation, recovering the cultural identity of Avellino.

I want to see Avellino become the reference center for young people in Irpinia, with active policies that encourage innovation and start-ups, with particular attention to children who attend high schools. The promotion of culture, a sense of belonging and meritocracy, together with the recovery of the values ​​and traditions of the past, are my fundamental values.

I firmly believe that together we can build a more dynamic, inclusive and prosperous city. Now, the future of Avellino is in your hands. Your vote can make a difference.

An appeal to young people: in addition to going to the polls, I say be aware and aware of the choice you will make in the voting booth.
I conclude by quoting a phrase that I coined during this election campaign “building the future is the mission of those who look ahead with foresight”

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